Russia is far from perfect, but good at exposing the wrongly worshipped US and Western world. Russia defeated the US+ mission in Syria under Trump, and the cowardly allies blamed Trump, or how much better you think Ms. Clinton would have been over Trump and Biden? Russia watched US defeated in Afghanistan and showing US sell ‘useless’ expensive weapons to Ukraine and others? When an abuser abuses an abuser, God have the option to watch or intervene? Try to be evil free or you risk being a victim, personally or as a group and up to a nation? Both cultures and governments largely worship power over choices, so I choose a spiritual leaning over religion, where I seek the God of perfect choice, not just seeming power or abusive power.
Good or bad Partners: When Ukraine gave up her nuclear powers, they got false security assurance and the evidence is now vivid even to the blind. ‘Give it up’, and buy less harmful and expensive weapons from US and her allies? They can claim ill trained Ukrainians are to blame, not equipment. Like cruel women will like you to beg or buy sex, US pretends they are doing favor to countries who buy their weapons. Power worshipping men and nations may never learn, but the biggest devils may always consume smaller devils until there is reasonable defiance against bigger and biggest devils. Faith helped the questionable Afghans fought US, but how well will Ukrainians fight and till when?’ We will never send our Troops when Russia attack you seem like good security assurance’? We will never sell you the nuclear weapons you gave up, but if you buy others, we will give you some from our profit margin?
US disrespected Ukraine’s sovereignty before Russia, at least off late. Biden and Obama were over dictating Ukraine. They literally staged a coup there and dictated the removal of a justice minister, and Biden called it legal, like slavery was legal. Biden is a big d[oer of]evil facing someone he claims ‘we know each other’, but Putin sees and treats him as a coward with a big mouth.
Sanctions do not move everyone, but greedy folks think everyone is like them on money or those who bow? US and others sanctioned me over marijuana, and I continue to resist. At the individual level, when a rich partner is tired, they will seek divorce, regardless of how the courts may punish them. Similarly, at the national level, when countries like Russia feel threatened, they will act without hesitance. The Possibility of Ukraine joining Nato is the possibility or even probability of Ukraine having Nuclear weapons again and with US dictating them like removing ministers. It simply threatens Russia and they do not want to gamble that.
The Media mocking Biden as a soft leader would have still happened if Mrs. Clinton was the US leader and she is among the foolish women who would have likely took it as gender insult and overreact? So as hard as our test is, it could have been worse. Trump would have likely find excuse, or just apply the largely ineffective sanctions.
Even NATO members must understand not every attack on a NATO country will get US involved. It will depend on the attacking country and other circumstances. US is a powerful coward that is inconsistent, they react based on how powerful a country or group is, not how wrong a choice is. Where Russia is involved, US will be extra cautious. They will find excuses like lack of evidence or who attacked first? NATO is largely a weapon selling opportunity for US, and that is why when Turkey tried to buy weapons from Russia, it was a big no.
The world must pray, because God allows lot of evil at times, but does also confront many evil, especially where the victims sincerely try to repent and bank on God, not just visible power. I think Zelensky will be removed and those who staged the coup with US help will pay a price they deserve or partially deserve. Biden should also resign or be removed by any means necessary…
We know US is not a reliable partner, especially where Russia is involved. However, Russia is not a reliable partner either, except in Syria vs Ukraine… Russia sent her troops to a country they did not weaken like US did to Ukraine, nor did they ask NATO like agreements? Mali may be right in reaching out to Russia over France, but Countries should not over rely on other countries. UK and all other western countries ran from Syria and Afghanistan after US backed off, and don’t think they will send troops to Ukraine without US. Ghadaffi made the mistake of reaching out to questionable US beyond payments , and it was befitting for the Lord to allow US against him. You do not beg or fear a devil, and expect God’s help, especially after reading ‘do not fear anyone’. Take marijuana and be more fearless, if need be. Be careful of the partners you choose, beyond sex. The world wrongly chose US as a partner against marijuana and even terrible Biden cannot stop worldwide marijuana legalization. May God end the war against marijuana users than any war. May God bless Showlove Trinity: let’s learn, let’s work, let’s have fun.
By Jarga kebba Gigo
An Activist and Transformer.