Mozilla Accuses Tech Giants of Unfair Browser Practices

Software company Mozilla has accused tech giants Google, Microsoft, and Apple of manipulating their control over devices and operating systems to favour their own browsers, allegedly to the detriment of Mozilla’s Firefox.

Mozilla contended that Microsoft, Google, and Apple are creating hurdles for users to download and use alternative browsers, claiming that default preferences are being ignored or reset, and capabilities are restricted to first-party browsers.

Despite attempts to address these issues through dialogue, Mozilla asserted that its concerns fell on deaf ears.

The company specifically called out Apple for its restrictions on third-party browser engines and limitations on data transfer when users switch from Safari.

Furthermore, Mozilla expressed dissatisfaction with Microsoft Edge launching instead of the user’s default browser on certain Windows features, and Chrome taking precedence over the default browser for some Android features.

In response, Mozilla announced the establishment of an issue tracker platform to document instances where these practices disadvantage Firefox and pledged to engage with the concerned vendors to seek resolution.

“Browsers are the principal gateway connecting people to the open Internet… The right way to win users is to build a better product, but shortcuts can be irresistible,” Mozilla stated, urging dominant players to refrain from tilting the playing field in favor of their browsers through control of devices and operating systems.

Highlighting various manifestations of the issues, Mozilla emphasized the need for a fair playing field, calling on Apple, Google, and Microsoft to engage in resolving these concerns. 

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