
See what happening is doing

It is occupying the mind

Like presenting the blind

Images he may not find

Telling man to rest and being the rest

if he must

Taking away impossibilities,

as spontaneous grace on old law

Hardening possibilities; when time refuses to move

Turning ignorance to knowledge, the dumb is called wise

Confounding perceived knowledge, as oxygen kills virus

Oh, it’s nowhere to be found, like shadow in the night

it’s everywhere and even now


Understanding it is braving regret, but miracle of change man will accept

he may seek control; influence will do


Wishes want to be happening

Is happening-yesterday still in business

Never-learning, it’s not always understood

As it makes and breaks aged laws

Tangible or not, it’s not imaginations, real

No mutual contract with consciousness or its opposite


Save it is submissive to speech, it will never know peace

The great chemist will take no drug

And man the poor and mighty doctor suffers much


At the sound of gunshots

From war or saluting soldiers

Fear, anxiety or indifference at home

In all these, where and what is happening

Behind the scene or before the screen, it is working


It can’t be sleeping, but can be the sleep

It is not found in death, but in the dying

It is found in life and in living

The cycling catalyst to questions for answers

It is bringing questions and giving answers, with no business taking them

One and so many things are happening

But man knows not which to know

See what happening is doing, what can be done to it

Grasp, cut the wonder and continue O happening


At times man is causing

But not forever cursed to be caused

There are spirits behind

Seen by the wise and blind

In the dried season of what happened [yesterday] he is swimming

Minding and not minding what will happen

Never apprehending happening

Imaginations are not

For if found in thinking

Reality would be nothing

With success man shall be denying

But there is no embargo on the mind

For it must take and give

Particularly happening is labour

Broadly/generally is birthing

Criticism is only/just moving

Whether it stops or not, you should know what’s happening


See what is happening

What is man doing

Even when no one knows what he’s doing and the doing

One should know what’s happening

Circumstances are led in the living

Circumstances/and lead to an end


Happening is with –and to- everyone

Ubiquitously in his universe

But man’s questions on it

Merely of good and bad, sweet and bitter

To us, the crux of the matter



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