The Transfigured Life!

AI, Africa and the Future of Humanity
Fr. Justine J. Dyikuk

Shikrot Mpwi – Sunday Synopsis with Fr. Justine J. Dyikuk

Transfiguration of Our Lord, Year A – August 6, 2023

Readings: Dan 7:9-10.13-14; Responsorial Psalm Ps 97:1-2.5-6.9.(R.1a.9a); 2 Pet 1:16-19 & Gospel Matthew 17:1b-9.

Theme: The Transfigured Life!

Sunday Synopsis

In the first reading, Daniel sees vision of the “one of great age” whose kingdom will never “be destroyed.” The second reading relates the power of God’s testimony about Jesus in glowing terms: “This is my Son, the Beloved; he enjoys my favour.” The gospel tells the transfiguration story urging us to be heirs of the kingdom by shunning everything which offends the Lord while actively listening to him.


Beloved in Christ, away from our usual catechesis on the parables of Jesus, today we are presented with the transfiguration narrative. The transfiguration of the Lord is an epochal event in the ministry of Jesus. Our liturgy points to certain crucial realities in the life of Jesus and ours too.

Background and Summary of the Readings

In the first reading (Dan 7:9-10.13-14) Daniel sees the “one of great age” whose “robe was white as snow – coming on the clouds of heaven.” He testifies that “On him was conferred sovereignty, glory and kingship” insisting that “men of all peoples, nations and languages became his servants.” Daniel surmises that “his empire” will never “be destroyed.”

The second reading (2 Pet 1:16-19) relates the power of God’s testimony about Jesus in glowing terms: “This is my Son, the Beloved; he enjoys my favour.” St. Peter insists that this beyond human myths, this is a confirmation of the prophecies of old and that without error, we can “take it as a lamp for lighting a way through the dark until the dawn comes and the morning star rises in [our] minds.”

The gospel (Gospel Matthew 17:1b-9) tells the transfiguration story. We will reflect on three phases – the pre-transfiguration period, the transfiguration event and the post transfiguration experience:

1. The pre-transfiguration events

(a). The Choice of Apostles: The choice of Peter, James and John is very instructive. The were the first set of apostles that Jesus called. It was imperative for Jesus to let them have a first-hand experience of the glimpse of the heaven he had promised them.

(b). The Choice of a Mountain: In the bible, mountains are important places of encounter with God. For instance, the Ten Commandments were given on a mountain. By inviting the disciples to climb the mountain of transfiguration, Jesus wanted to set the records right. He wanted the apostles to know that making heaven is a herculean task. This means that there are no short cuts to heaven except the royal road of the cross.

2. The Transfiguration event

(a). Transfiguration Elements: As Jesus was transfigured, his face shone like the sun and his clothes became dazzlingly white as the light. This signifies the presence of the Holy Spirit; the giver of life and the sanctifier.

(b). Appearance of Moses and Elijah: The appearance of Moses who represented the Law and Elijah who represented the Prophets was to testify that Jesus is the fulfilment of both the Law and the Prophets. It was essential that the two endorse Jesus as the last of the prophets and perfecter of the Law.

(c). Peter’s Remarks: Peter’s words, “Lord, it is wonderful for us to be here; if you wish, I will make three tents here, one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah,” demonstrates that he was overwhelmed by the beatific experience. St. Matthew wants to prove to us that Peter’s testimony about the experience is true. This further shows that no one who has experienced heaven would like to lose that experience.

(d). The Voice of the Father: The voice of the Father was also to prove to the apostles Jesus’ relationship with his Father. As were, this divine endorsement was to let them know that he was not acting alone or on his own.

3. Post-Transfiguration period

(a). The “Tell no one” Order: By ordering his disciples to tell no one, Jesus wanted his apostles to keep a low profile of these events until he rises from the dead. This is because his rising from the dead has a necessary connection with his transfiguration. It was better for the breaking-news to come last so that the whole narrative of his passion would be complete.

(b). His Dead and Resurrection: Our liturgy implies the post-transfiguration period because after the resurrection, the apostles realized that all the Lord told them was true.

Pastoral Lessons

1. Live your baptismal commitment: The first reading charges us to live up to our baptismal commitments by being true heirs of the kingdom under God’s sovereignty.

2. Aim for Heaven: The transfiguration which exposes the eschatological reality urges us to aim for heaven because the afterlife is real.

3. Bear the cross patiently: By making his apostles climb a mountain before his passion, Jesus makes the point that if we must wear the crown, the cross awaits us.

4. Conquer by the blood: The transfiguration of Jesus calls us to conquer by the blood of the lamb and by the word of our testimony.

5.Be holy: Robes white as snow signify a call to live holy lives epitomized by the transfiguration elements.

Summary Lines

1. The transfiguration experience reminds us that heaven and hell are real.

2. Our own mountain of transfiguration is the Church.

3. The voice of the Father is a divine endorsement of Jesus as the legitimate son of God.

4. Moses, the Law Giver and Elijah the Prophet proves that Jesus is the last of the Prophets and perfecter of the Law.

5. If we want to have the transfiguration experience, we must take the clause, “Listen to him” seriously.



We need divine endorsement as exemplified by the voice of the father: “This is my son, the beloved; he enjoys my favour.” Can God say the same about you and me? We are challenged to do God’s bidding. As heirs of the kingdom, we must shun anything that disgraces our Lord. We must also take the phrase, “Listen to him” seriously. May the Holy Spirit help us to live the transfigured life. Amen!

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