The Story Vault. #1. Love

Enough is enough when you know you can’t take it anymore. Ene has had it up to her nose with this one. The man she’s called ‘father’ all her life, is giving her the beating of her life just because she’s confronted him on some of his bad choices. “You can’t fight your father Ene…” she says to herself, receiving the beating silently until Kprass! He tears the top of her nightwear. Ene loses her mind. To her left are all her siblings and her poor mum, watching; eager, and hurt.

Broken; she leaps off the couch and heads straight for a few empty bottles in the stack of crates across the room. She grabs 2 and smashes them on the ground. They shatter into bits and her father scrams. “AARRRGGHHHHH For what now!” she screams angrily. Her chest heaves up and down in rage, Her right cheek is swollen, there are scratch marks on her arm and back. She never thought this day would come. The day when the toxicity would get to her like this. There and then she knew it was time to leave.

Days later; her father disowns her for protecting her mum and siblings while he was under the influence of some substances. She’s aware so she forgives him for peace’s sake and herself. Weeks later; she comes into some money and packs her bags. Straight to Accra. On the tarmac; she says a silent prayer, “As I leave may I step into my best life. It’s time to live for you Ene. Live girl and make it count.” In the clouds, she prays to her Chi for wisdom, protection, wealth, good friends (the best to ever walk the Earth), and sound health.

With butterflies in her belly, she prays. Unsure of the future but fed up with the past. Her faith is a little stronger than a mustard seed. She prays her host will be at the airport to receive her. “God always helps me..” is all she has left to say. She decides to love and she’s chosen herself. Self-love. email +234-8087545546- Whatsapp only
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