Governor Bago pledges support for retirees in the year 2024

Governor Mohammed Bago of Niger State has assured retired civil servants in the state of support as his administration implements the 2024 budget.

In his New Year message to the people of Niger, he highlighted the recent enactment of the ‘Budget for the Future,’ emphasizing the administration’s commitment to the welfare of civil servants and the creation of a conducive work environment to enhance productivity.

Governor Bago expressed the intention for a more hands-on approach by officials, planning a tour of all 25 local councils in the state.

This initiative aims to engage with stakeholders, gather opinions about the administration, and understand the needs and aspirations of the local communities to improve service delivery effectively.

Furthermore, Governor Bago emphasized increased project supervision to hold contractors accountable and ensure adherence to contract agreements and specifications.

Infrastructure and urban renewal take precedence in this year’s budgetary allocation, reflecting the administration’s dedication to development.

The agricultural sector is a focal point for Governor Bago, with the second-highest budgetary allocation aimed at advancing the administration’s agricultural revolution.

The governor affirmed the commitment to translating words into action to support the national policy on food security.

In terms of economic development, Governor Bago foresees a promising year for business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs.

The administration aims to create an enabling environment for the establishment and growth of businesses, fostering a climate conducive to economic prosperity.

However, Governor Bago stressed the importance of collective effort, urging citizens to provide unwavering support and cooperation, transcending political affiliations for the overall betterment of the state.

The governor stressed the importance of everyone in the community coming together to achieve the ambitious plans for a new Niger.

He highlighted that the success of these plans hinges on the collective efforts of all community members, emphasizing the need for unity and collaboration to bring about positive change and progress.

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