In his poem titled THE ROAD NOT TAKEN, Robert Frost wrote “I shall be telling this with a sigh. Somewhere ages and ages hence; Two roads diverged in a wood, and I- I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference”
I believe Nigeria is one of the wealthiest nations in the world. No one can say that we don’t have resources in this country. To say the truth, we have quite a lot of human and natural resources. Unfortunately, most of our resources have not yet been tapped. As for human resources, I can say we are doing less than 10% of what we can do.
I have no doubt in my mind that as a nation we have what it takes to champion Africa excellence. Our people are our greatest resource.
So what do we need for this quantum leap? I would say here that we need new ideas, new products, new institutions, and innovations. The wealth of a nation is embedded in the creative potentials of its people. In Nigeria, we have very creative and hardworking people.
Now is the time for men and women to come up with new ideas. I’m talking about ideas like how to squeeze water out of stone. I would like to encourage young people to come together and form a synergy to begin new business from scratch. In this nation right now, we need people with a pioneering spirit who will pioneer new institutions. We need thinkers whose ideas will bring solutions to problems we have in the energy sector, environment, education, transportation, health, agriculture, refuse collection and publishing.
This nation needs people who will create something so unique and exceptional all from their imagination. People who will make a big difference in the way we live and relate to one another.
For the purpose of this essay today, I would like to share with you three things you need to do as an individual to begin to make things happen in a big way.
Firstly, follow the part of creative thinking. This is your ability to bring something new into existence. For you to bring something new into existence, you have to think very well and very deep. Like Albert Einstein, you have operated for the purest thought. You have to think very late into the night and wake up at dawn still thinking. That thing you want to bring from the invisible realm into the physical world must be something you are passionate about. Remember, the proof of your passion is the investment of your time. For example as a man or woman who wants to make things happen, can you think about how we can turn all the waste we generate in Lagos or your town or city into products, which we can export to Europe and America to earn us foreign exchange? I believe that wouldn’t be a bad idea at all.
Turning waste into foreign exchange earner. Think about that. I know some people will say that it is impossible. I know some people will say no one has done it before. That is what I’m saying; it does not matter if no one has done it before. Whatever you can think about is possible. When the Wright Brothers thought about an object flying in the air, everybody that heard about it then said it was impossible. Today you wake up and you can have your breakfast in Lagos, have your launch in London and have dinner in New York.
So, if you have an idea that you really think will increase the quality of life for people, go ahead and assemble a plan, and begin to take massive action on how to bring that idea into reality.
The other day I heard a piece of information that they need hundreds of millions of dollars worth of cassava chip in Asia. I think some people should be thinking about how to cultivate the vast land we have in this nation to plant cassava and process the tubers into cassava chip, and then export them to Asia. That might even make the exporting of cassava products to displace crude oil as top foreign exchange earners for this nation. Guess what it takes to get your cassava chips? Just between six months to one year from planting to harvesting and cassava chips will be ready for China. Someone should go ahead and do that and remember I have given you the idea, implement it.
Secondly, if you want to fast track your destiny this year, you should follow the part of the passion. I have been saying this over and over again; you can only succeed in something that you have passion for. Passion here simply means your enthusiasm. Nothing great has ever been accomplished without enthusiasm. Let me ask you a simple question; what are you passionate about right now? For me, my only passion is writing. This time now is about 12.30 dead in the night and I’m still writing. Writing is my healing herbs. The only thing I need now is to get a publisher who will publish my African novels and inspirational writings.
You see, to create something out of nothing is no mean task. If you are not passionate about what you do, if you don’t care about what you want to bring into existence, the chances are that it won’t see the light of the day.
You must be absorbed in the process and the end product. What do you care about?
Passion generates energy and the capacity for industry. Passion gives you the determination to push through wholeheartedly that idea you are working on, even if you are starving to death.
If you are truly passionate about an idea, you must let the creative process of that idea absorbed you and all your time.
Passion also involves being effective, efficient, and discipline in organizing your time.
Thirdly, for you to make things happen this year, you should seek to make a difference. To make a difference, you have to do something different or you have to do a different thing. It is the cultivation of your uniqueness with a passion that sets you up for independent success in life.
You must see opportunity when others see problems. You must be able to take something of little significance and turn it into something of great value. That should be ok for today.
The angels are still in the whirlwinds.
Thank you for allowing me to share my candid thoughts with you today. You are not born to suffer, there is a seed of greatness within you. Only you can make your life a masterpiece. You have an option, either you sit down and bemoan your fate or use your mind to design a workable plan and go live your life intentionally. The choice is yours. Thank you and God bless you. God bless Nigeria.
Matthew is a Motivational Speaker. For motivational speaking engagement in your school, organization or church, contact Oye Arikanki through his