Bandits demand N40 trillion and 150 bikes as ransom for 16 Kaduna residents

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In Kaduna, some bad people called bandits are asking for a lot of money and other things to let go of 16 people they took from Gonin Gora. They asked for 40 trillion Naira, 11 Hilux vans, and 150 motorcycles. 

A leader in the community named John Yusuf said the bandits attacked twice in one week and took people from the community.

Yusuf said, “The bandits called us and said they want 40 trillion Naira, 11 Hilux vans, and 150 motorcycles to let go of the 16 people they have.”

He also said the community cannot get that much money even if they sold everything. He mentioned that Nigeria, as a whole country, has never had a budget of 40 trillion Naira.

During the attacks, three people were taken in the first attack, and 13 in the second, making it 16 people altogether.

Yusuf said their community is surrounded by bushes where the bandits hide. He thinks if the government puts a military base behind their community, it will help stop the bandits.

“We are asking the government to help us by putting a military base behind our community. This will stop the bandits from coming through the bushes to attack us,” Yusuf said.

He also mentioned that the army tries to help, but they take time to reach the community after they are called. By the time they arrive, the bandits have already done bad things and left.

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