Why OpenAI Is Delaying Opening Of GPT Store

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OpenAI’s anticipated GPT Store, an app store for AI, won’t debut this year as planned.

Instead, the company announced it’s set for an early 2024 launch due to recent leadership changes in November.

A memo sent to users and developers outlined the delay, citing unforeseen tasks keeping the team occupied.

The GPT Store promises enhancements like a better configuration interface and debug messages upon its release.

Despite the initial announcement at OpenAI’s Dev Day conference in November, unanswered questions lingered about charging customers and compensating developers.

The delay, influenced by a leadership transition and loose launch plans, was expected given the recent internal challenges faced by the company.

Until the official launch, GPTs can still be privately created and shared among users but won’t be publicly listed or eligible for revenue-sharing schemes. OpenAI’s focus is on navigating the transition while preparing for a successful GPT Store launch in 2024.

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