Wages That Last

“You have sown much, only to harvest little; you eat, but there is not enough to be satisfied; you drink, but there is not enough to become drunk … the one who earns … wages to put into a money bag full of holes.” *– Haggai 1:6 NASB*

Imagine a person who works hard and earns a decent wage. Then, imagine this person storing these wages in a purse filled with holes. As a result, everything that had been earned would be lost. All the work was for naught.

Haggai provided this powerful picture in a passage that focused on putting God first. The example was building His house before building our own. This principle applies to every area. Focusing first on God is a key to receiving His blessing.

Jesus made this clear when He taught that if we seek first His Kingdom, “All these things will be provided to you” (Matthew 6:33). The Bible also consistently teaches the principle of tithing. This means giving God the first fruits of our labor (Exodus 23:19). If we give to God first, He promises to bless all our activities and to bless us.

Many people go through life with holes in their pockets. They work hard yet never seem to get ahead. They always seem to fall short. But when God has first place, He can plug the leaks and make our lives more efficient and effective. He can make our testimonies more fruitful.

The Bible teaches that God wants you to experience abundance. You unleash this abundance when you give Him first place, seek first His Kingdom, and sow into good soil the seeds He has given you.

*Reflection Question:*

How are you practically seeking first God’s Kingdom this week?


Father, help me plug the holes in my life. I place You first and seek You in everything I do. Thank You for Your blessings. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Today’s Bible Reading

Haggai 1

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