“Go, stand and speak to the people in the temple area the whole message of this life.” – Acts 5:20 NASB
The apostles were performing “Many signs and wonders” (v. 12). The faith among the Christian community was so great that people “even carried the sick out into the streets” on cots and pallets so Peter’s “shadow might fall on any of them” (v. 15). People throughout the area came to Jerusalem, and “they were all being healed” (vs. 16).
The religious leaders were jealous. Determined to curtail the spread of the Gospel, they put the apostles in prison. But God sent an angel at night to open the prison gates and lead them out (vs. 17–20).
The angel gave them this direction: They were to continue spreading the Gospel, declaring the same message they had proclaimed before they were arrested.
This was “the whole message of this life.” It was about the way people lived, every part of their lives. The angel specifically wanted them to declare not just aspects of the message but “the whole message ” without compromise.
That is the same message that applies today. Some try to reduce the message to doing good deeds and having nice thoughts. But our message is for everyone. It’s a message about every part of life.
Don’t limit God. Remember, the Gospel impacts every part of life. Dedicate yourself to this whole message of healing, forgiveness, salvation, wisdom, power, authority, changed lives, and eternal life. Everything!
*Reflection Question:*
Have you been tempted to leave out parts of the Gospel message?
Father, the whole Gospel is true. Help me be Your messenger in spreading this whole message. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Today’s Bible Reading
Acts 5