The Rich & Powerful Use Honey Or Vinegar To Gain Control

Africans say there is nothing new under the Sun and as the snail moves, it is followed by its shell. Nobody fits this description better than Elon Musk, Jeff Bezo and Dangote of recent. When we think about Russian Oligarchies, there are mirror images in our own communities,  countries and Continent. The descendants of the rich and powerful never gave up. If anything, they want all the privileges they had during the time of serfs in Europe, farm workers in America and Africa.

Even the nouveau riche that were born after the end of slavery and during the time of strong Unions are always working to control workers. It doesn’t matter where they are. Most people want more to take care of their daily needs and be comfortable with their families. There are those that want more to buy luxurious goods and services they have always dreamed of but have never acquired. Beyond these are many whose ambition is to control the people around them, the country and the world.

We must be careful not to confuse or misplace the honorable work of most charitable organizations, especially those that have gone out of their ways to educate and empower the most vulnerable and divert their investment away from blood money around the world. We admire and congratulate their contributions to mankind. There are Mo Ibrahim, Dangote, Nobel, Rockefeller, Anneberg, Kennedy, Buffet, Ford, Adelson, Koch brothers and many others worldwide that are famous for their generous donations and organizations in pursuit of goodwill.

Nevertheless, some rich powerful men hide behind charitable organizations, starve and feed you only if you bend to their whims and wishes. Of course it is not out of the goodness of their hearts. Owners use job creation to get richer by attracting those that do not have enough to eat, drink and shelter their families.  Some of them are shrewd businessmen in desperate pursuit of power capturing political decision makers that not only favor them but manipulate the economic systems. They have become rulers of countries by sheer desire for power and do not care how many people they crush along the process.

Elon Musk, the South African American that had lived in a rent control apartment in Canada with his mother, has become the richest man in the world. Even before becoming so famous, he had challenged some of the paths that made him so rich in California before moving to Texas to join the big boys. His South African Apartheid instinct never left. Elon Musk’s instinct is how to capture more cronies and workers he could control by his whims and wishes. One company or two is not his goal but as many as he could buy with other people’s money (OPM).

Elon Musk has enough rich friends, money and collateral for hostile takeover. These rich and powerful men have little tolerance for free speech or free expressions of common opinions. So they buy media expressions or opinions they do not like to reinstate uncivilized or offensive comments that offend public discourse. Better still, they start their own media that reflect the most extremist views to generate income from the fringe.

The scary reputation of these money men is their compulsive attempts to grab control by any means including enough money to hire misguided supporters to perpetrate violence and violate the democratic system most people thought were beyond the reach of hoodlums. Even worse is that these rich powerful people can commit crimes in broad daylight and get away, protected by influence and fear of violence if punished while anyone else could have been thrown into jail.

Yet, we are taught that nobody is above the law. When the law catches up with them, they claim witch hunts and overzealous prosecutors going after them over the same crimes they projected on others for orchestrated punishment. It has worked so well, they boast that the laws for the rich are different from the one applied to the common man.

The same followers supporting rich powerful people that have gone berserk, when caught, became surprised at their loyalty to someone who only used them to acquire control of a solid system. Many followers would not believe that they were working against their own interests until they became victims of the strongman they elevated to destroy their system. So when people say you need a strong system not strongmen, little did they realize a mean spirited man can destroy the system.

Some, outright want to be courted with honey or money rather than vinegar, if it is a choice. Those familiar with the Bible read that some of those taken out of Egypt prefer where they were well fed than traveling in the desert with Moses. Another case of a bridge over the Red Sea that led nowhere. The people that just want to be left alone in peace are always taken advantage of by the rich and powerful, believing life would be made better if they got control. The way to get attention is to propagate a better life and propose solutions to those that are poor and suffering.

Indeed, promises of jobs and better conditions of living have been so magnetic, it draws seekers to wherever they can find jobs. It does not matter if they have to cross deserts and waters to get there, legally or illegally. They are willing to work for starving or any wage as long as they can feed their families. The serfs were willing to work on the farms and conquered slaves did not have a choice of where they were shipped.

However, jobs come with conditions that are not obvious until it becomes unbearable. When the conditions become unbearable, workers revolt.  It was the Unions revolt that ended child labor, negotiated minimum wage, 40 hours workweek and vacation. Most of us in a new generation forgot what the generation before us went through to enjoy what we take for granted today. Many of the strong Unions lost their clout because workers were promised they could get more money and benefits instead of paying the Union dues.

So, some workers elected not to join the Union. One only has to look back at the rich and powerful, cronies or companies, their acquisitions with enormous advantages to overtake budding companies. South African American Elon Musk’s Tesla factory in California, was saturated with racism, Black workers reported being assigned difficult, menial jobs in segregated areas of the factory known as “the dark side”.


Farouk Martins Aresa @oomoaresa

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