Supernatural Évidence

‘Amazed and perplexed, they asked one another, “What does this mean?” Acts 2:12 (NIV).

When the crowd who had come together in Jerusalem to celebrate Pentecost saw the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the believers, they naturally sought an explanation. How is it that these uneducated men from Galilee could speak in the languages of their own country? Seeking to alleviate their confusion, Peter stepped forward and explained the behavior they were witnessing and the truth about God.

When we are full of the Spirit’s power, we too ought to take the opportunity to boldly share our beliefs and the truth about God. We must seek to make this the pattern of our lives. Are we living in such a way that people will wonder about our behavior?

Do we live so that people will see Christ in us? When we are the salt of the earth (Matthew 5:13), the light of the world (Matthew 5:14), and ‘shine like stars in the universe’ (Philippians 2:15), then others can’t help but ask what is the hope within us. We will be supernatural evidence that God is alive and living within each of us.

When others ask what is so different about us, we can then share the hope we have in Jesus Christ. Peter instructs us to always be ready to give the reason for the hope we have and to do this with gentleness and respect (1 Peter 3:15). What is different about our life? Consider our behavior and what supernatural evidence would cause someone to stop and ask, “Why do you behave the way you do?”


‘Father, I want others to see you in me so that they might stop and ask. I can then share the good news of you with them. Help me to become more like you Jesus.’

In Jesus’ Mighty Name,


Final Thoughts:

What part of our lives needs to be surrendered to Christ so that we might become more like our Savior? In what ways have we noticed God transforming us more into the image of Christ? These can be moments of celebration in our walk with Him.

Be Greatly Blessed!

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