Recently I had a friendly discussion with a priest. It was on the spur of the moment exchange of ideas. I guess that should be about one of the closet discussions on various events I had with him over period of 9 years. I walked away from that discussion with a lot of musings.
He said something which stuck, set rules that applies to everyone and never break or bend it for fraternal reasons. It sounds very easy but can be very challenging and tasking when it comes to implementation, especially when the pressure of halo effect syndrome becomes overwhelming.
Learn to set rules, life is beyond emotions. Learn to say no or yes to people not from the mood of your emotions but rather from the provision of a preset rules.
Rules shield one from biase, prejudice or attack from people who may misjudge and misinterpret ones stand and disposition in the absence of rules.
Set rules and guiding principles and walk through it unwaveringly no matter whose ox is gored.
It can only become an object of attack if one obviously shows discrimination in the discharge of such rules.
On my mind is INEC and the 2023 presidential election. It was a clear case of rules and guidelines subverted for selfish considerations and the consequences of such flaws and indignities, the scorpion that is stinging hell out of us presently.
Set rules and principles in dealing with people. Be just and fair in upholding them especially in official things.
Set rules and principles, never try to lower the bar for emotional considerations and affection. Stick and insist on it at all times. Many may not like it, especially those seeking for short cuts and favours, but would appreciate your integrity,fairness, justice and equity if in the discharge of such rules, no traces or traits of special consideration were seen.
On official basis deal with people based on established rules and regulations. In business, never allow emotions to overwhelm you. Stick to rules of engagement no matter who is involved. In marriage set rules that would guide your dealings with visitors, In-laws and other domestic chores. In your spiritual life, rules of engagement should be made and obeyed if progress is assured to happen.
Though there could be exceptions, but never allow such exceptions to be the rules instead.
Life without rules and regulations is like a boat under waves, buffeted left and right with no clear cut direction except the path forced on it by the waves.
The above seems a perfect description of what Nigeria is. A country with no clear cut direction. Though having plenty rules and regulations but weakened by the buffeting waves of nepotism, halo effect syndrome, tribalism, corruption and cronism.
Like a rudderless ship, Nigeria moves around on the highway of global economic development without having a bearing.
Like a ship on the water ways of technological Innovation and advancement though guided by many rudders in the form of laws, rules and regulations but made weak and lame by corruption and kleptomenia tendencies.
Nigeria is a country with rules and regulations, but largely ruled by sheer emotions, favoritism and selfishness. Perhaps why our walk to socio-political freedom is a long one.
The truth is , any life, any marriage , business, worship, leadership etc that is not guided by set rules and regulations,would have set itself on path of self destruction.
Summarily, Rules are super helpful in our daily lives by providing structure, guidance, and clarity. They help us understand what is expected of us in different situations, which can make things run more smoothly.
For example, traffic rules keep us safe on the road, school rules help create a positive learning environment, and household rules can promote harmony within families.
By following rules, we can avoid confusion, conflicts, and ensure that everyone knows what to expect. Ultimately, rules contribute to a sense of order and help us navigate our daily routines more effectively.
Imagine a country, an institution etc without a functional rules that are obeyed with diligence, such country or institution is moribund already. A typical case with our country Nigeria.
Dr.Jarlath Uche Opara