Hi, lovelies, it’s Saturday and as usual, I have a racy question for the guys in the house. What is your spec when it comes to ladies? Do you like them slim or chubby?
You see, there were times when I thought that guys would always find chubby girls less attractive – than being slim rocked because guys would be all over you. There are so many reasons why a guy would prefer slim girls –
First, cuddling them is usually bliss – her body just fits into yours.
Again, while in the other room with her, you don’t have to strain yourself just to get from one position to the other. Like you can easily lift and twist her to any position of your choice.
Another is that they make you look bigger even if you are not that tall or macho. There are a whole lot of advantages to dating a slim girl.
But recently, I have had some male friends tell me straight up that they fancy chubby girls a lot – they are a huge turn-on for them. There is this my friend in law school that was very skinny. We usually make fun of how slim he is but guess what, his girlfriend was 10 times bigger than him. one day, out of curiosity, I asked him why he was dating the girl and his reply was – “I sha like fat girls”.
So, it dawned on me that whether slim or chubby, everyone has their spec. So, dear guys, I am asking again, what is your spec when it comes to ladies? Do you like them slim or chubby?