Replace! Don’t Patch!

Not every thing is meant to be patched in life. Certain things wouldn’t work until their old versions are replaced, deleted and wiped off. 

I had a very terrible experience recently. Two incidences that gave me hard lessons of life. In one fell swoop both my battery and tyre got bad.

The tyre was leaking every other day, while the battery would discharge itself. After starting the car with another battery, the alternator would charge the battery, two days after it would run down again.

One day as early as 7.30am, I got dressed to catch up an early morning appointment.

Turning the ignition, kpam! Was what I heard. No light on the dashboard, the battery was completely drained.

The surprising thing was that, it wasn’t up till 20mins I warmed the engine. The battery was alive and sounded like a new one. What happened? My confusion!

To catch up with the appointment, I had to use my wife’ car battery to start my car. Of course that battery didn’t get back home with me. I changed it, it was obviously beyond patching and repairs.

Next was my tyre. Towards the end of last year, I bought two new tyres. By middle of December one of them began to leak.

I would pump it, within two days it would go down again. I thought of how to buy another new tyre, I decided to be managing it by adding air to it every other day. This continued till early January when I discovered that it hardly lasts for 24 hours after pumping.

Some of the wires according to the vulcaniser were cut and can’t be patched, nothing can be done to remedy it he said. Replacing the tyre was the only option.

Look at the picture above. Nice and neatly done. It wasn’t like this two months ago.

The creativity and the beautiful ambience it showcased was as a result of replacement not repairs and patching.

Severally it was repaired and patched, nevertheless it kept leaking, defacing the entire wall with water from the roof.

Part of the ceiling at some point caved in.No matter how the repairs were done and the patch professionally done, nothing near the beauty of this POP ceiling would have been achieved.

It took a decision to remove the old ceiling to achieve this aesthetics. The stress, the financial involvement etc could be challenging, but the result thereafter very satisfying.

It is not everything in life that calls for patching. Something and some persons demand total replacement. Until they are replaced, they would continue to give one an unending hard moment.

Replace! Don’t patch is my 2024 slogan. 2024 is for me a year to replace any habit that doesn’t sit well with ethics,morals and values. It is not a year to patch or manage them.

It is a year to look at my circle of friends, revalue them, remove those with terrible infulence and move on with those whose influence is godly. I have no time to patch anyone.

Get me punctured by a very terrible lifestyle of yours, i wouldn’t bother patching you, I will muster enough muscles to replace such lifestyle of yours by fire or by force😆

2024 is a year of replacement not patching or managing. If it is leaking, it must be replaced with a new one. If my spiritual life is leaking, it must be replaced with a renewed commitment. If my social lifestyle is getting stuffy with terrible stench and leakages, it must not be patched or managed. It must be replaced with a better version of social lifestyle.

If my sense of commitment to people and things are leaking, they must not be patched. Replacing them with new zeal, renewed hope and commitment the only option.

Look at that church picture again. It is one of the beautiful churches around the Archdiocese. Look at the design up, depicting the Sacred Heart of Jesus , with rays of light shining out from his heart to the world.

For me it speaks deep, beyond its esthetic ambience, more of “Jesus! Let my heart be like yours”. It takes a heart that yearns to be like the heart of Jesus as artistically expressed above to say no to patches of any kind.

Jesus does not patch, he replaces. To the blind Bathemeus he didn’t patch, he replaced. To the cripple at the beautiful gate, he didn’t patch, he replaced. To Mary Magdalene, he didn’t patch, he replaced. To the demoniac, he replaced not patched . Replace every junk persons, habit, lifestyle etc don’t bother repairing and patching, it will still leak again.

2024! my year of replacement not patching!


Jarlath Uche Opara

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