Ossai Empties “Can of Worms” on Tonto Dikeh for Wishing Self Happy Father’s Day 

Ossai Empties "Can of Worms" on Tonto Dikeh for Wishing Self Happy Father's Day 
Media Aide to Delta Governor, Ovie Ossai
In a social media post, Ovie Success Ossai, a prominent social influencer and aide to Governor Sheriff Oborevwori, expressed strong disapproval of Nollywood actress Tonto Dikeh’s decision to celebrate herself on Father’s Day. Ossai’s comments have ignited a debate on the role and recognition of single mothers in society.
“Dear Tonto Dikeh, saying happy Father’s Day to yourself is disrespectful to men,” Ossai wrote on Facebook. He emphasized that while single mothers like Dikeh deserve acknowledgment for their efforts, it is essential to respect the traditional role of fathers.
“Taking care of your child solo doesn’t make you or other women out there a father. It’s essential to acknowledge the importance of the father figure in a child’s life.”
Ossai suggested that Dikeh and other single mothers should focus on celebrating their own roles and advocating for support rather than overshadowing the significance of fathers. “Consider acknowledging your own efforts as a mother and advocate for support and recognition for single mothers like yourself,” he added.
While appreciating the challenges faced by single mothers, Ossai stressed the importance of not discrediting absent fathers, regardless of their shortcomings. “Despite any shortcomings or lack of responsibility from a father, it’s crucial to avoid discrediting the child’s father. Children often feel the absence of their father, and as they grow older, they may seek out their father and eventually celebrate them on Father’s Day.”
Ossai warned against the potential long-term harm of turning children against their fathers. “Brainwashing a child against their father can be harmful and have long-term effects. Let’s prioritize the well-being and emotional health of our children.”
Ossai’s post has sparked significant discussion online, with many users expressing mixed reactions. Some support his view on the importance of a father figure, while others argue for the recognition of single mothers’ dual roles in parenting.
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