Nigerian police apprehend six suspects for damaging flyover bridge in Maiduguri

In a recent development, the Borno State Police Command has apprehended six individuals involved in the vandalization of the newly constructed Customs Area flyover bridge in Maiduguri the State capital.

Additionally, nine suspects were arrested for engaging in the vandalism and illegal sale of scrapped metals, which had been prohibited by the state government some months ago.

During a press briefing at the Police headquarters in Maiduguri, the Public Relations Officer, ASP Nahum Daso, disclosed that the arrests were made following the interception of two trailer trucks, two lorries, and one pickup vehicle loaded with suspected stolen scrapped metals. The incidents occurred in various locations within the state.

Providing specific details, Daso stated, “On the 16th of October, 2023, around 11:00 AM, acting on credible information, our officers observed two lorries at Ngamdu town in Kaga LGA loading scrap metal irons (Ajakuta), suspected to be stolen.

” The Police Crack Squad team, in collaboration with Beneshiekh Divisional Policemen, swiftly intervened, resulting in the apprehension of the suspects in possession of the suspected stolen scrap materials. The suspects were subsequently charged to court and later convicted.”

Furthermore, ASP Daso reported another incident on the 17th of October, 2023, around 10:15 AM. He mentioned, “The above-named suspects were arrested for being in possession of Scrap Metals, locally known as Ajakuta, despite the ban imposed by the Borno State Government.”

Borno State Traffic Maintenance Agency (BOTMA) personnel apprehended the suspects at Njimtilo while attempting to transport the prohibited consignments out of the state. These suspects have also been charged to court and are undergoing prosecution.”

It is worth noting that the Borno state government had previously imposed a ban on the scavenging, sale, and transportation of scrapped metals across the entire state.

Shifting focus to incidents of housebreaking and theft, the police revealed a case reported on the 5th of October, 2023. In this instance, an unknown suspect broke into the residence of Police Officer Pl Danjuma Nuhu in the Moduganari area, stealing items such as a plasma television, a 6kg gas cooker, a standing fan, and an AK47 magazine with 29 rounds of ammunition.

Prompt action by the police led to the arrest of Mr. Mohammed Dala of Moduganari ward by the Anti-vice unit. The suspect confessed to the burglary and theft, and a subsequent search of his residence resulted in the recovery of all stolen items, including the AK47 magazine with ammunition.

The recent advancements in addressing criminal activities within Borno State vividly highlight the proactive measures implemented by the Borno State Police Command.

These strategic initiatives have been undertaken with a paramount focus on upholding the rule of law and ensuring the overall safety and security of the state.

The multifaceted efforts employed by the police command encompass a comprehensive approach to tackling various forms of criminality, demonstrating a commitment to fostering a secure environment for the residents of Borno State.

Through a combination of intelligence gathering, community engagement, and swift response mechanisms, the police command has demonstrated its dedication to maintaining law and order.

This proactive stance not only serves as a deterrent to criminal elements but also contributes significantly to building trust and confidence among the populace.

Overall, these recent developments underscore the unwavering commitment of the Borno State Police Command to fostering a peaceful and lawful society through effective and preemptive measures against criminal activities.

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