NASA finds a way to generate oxygen on Mars

Mars, NASA, Oxygen, MOXIE

NASA’s Perseverance rover mission has successfully been making oxygen from Mars’ carbon dioxide-rich atmosphere in a series of tests using the Mars Oxygen In-Situ Resource Utilization Experiment, known as MOXIE.

The experiment offers hope for human exploration on the planet.

The MOXIE instrument is an oxygen-generating device aboard the Perseverance Mars Rover. The little instrument has proven the possibility of extracting oxygen from the Martian Atmosphere and turning it into breathable oxygen for Astronauts to breathe or turn into fuel for rocket propellants for future astronauts to get back to Earth.

The team of scientists at The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) as well as NASA are working towards trying to live off the land in the future;  on the surface of the moon or on the surface of Mars.

MOXIE (Mars Oxygen In-situ Resource Utilization Experiment) is lowered into the chassis of NASA’s Perseverance in 2019. During the mission, MOXIE extracted oxygen from the Martian atmosphere 16 times. The mission tests a way that future astronauts could make rocket propellant that would launch them back to Earth.
Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech


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