My Remarkable Journey: From Security Guard To Journalist

A Reply To The Question: Why Do You Write?
Isaac Asabor

Without sounding immodest, it has become incumbent on this writer to share his life lessons from the school of experience as his own way of motivationally imbuing aspiring youths with the virtues of resilience, self-belief, and meaningful connections. Perhaps, the story may influence some youths to be more ambitious in becoming who they want to become.

I have always been passionate about pursuing a career in the field of journalism. Ever since I was a student in secondary school, I dreamt of becoming a Reporter, traveling around the world, and uncovering important stories. However, as I grew older, people around me began to discourage me from pursuing my dream course, but I turned deaf ears to their counsel, as I considered them to be discouraging.

They told me that journalism was a dying industry, that it was a fiercely competitive field, and that it was not a stable career choice. They urged me to consider other, more practical options, and I found myself doubting whether I should pursue my dream course or not.

Against the foregoing backdrop, it is germane to tell the story of my journey from a security guard where my early days as a youth were spent patrolling dimly lit corridors and companies’ premises watching over others’ safety. But beneath the uniform, my hunger for knowledge burned bright compelling me to devour newspapers during breaks, absorbing headlines like a sponge.  In fact, the world beyond the gates beckoned, and I yearned to be part of its unfolding stories.

Thus, my metamorphosis was gradual yet profound. I traded my security cap for a reporter’s notebook, my pen poised like a chameleon’s tongue. Fortuitously enough, the company where I worked at the time was opposite the secretariat of the defunct National Republican Convention (NRC) where I had the opportunity of seamlessly blending into the crowd when there was political event at the secretariat, and in that vein interacting with Journalists who covered politics desk during the period. As I continued doing that, I made friends with some Journalists who I have today met in the profession as senior colleagues. Amidst my curious disposition at the time, I never relented in writing letters to the editors that were variously and mostly published at the time by Daily Times, Champion Newspaper, PM News and Guardian Newspaper.

At this juncture, it is germane to recall that my true transformation occurred when I got admission to study for a diploma course at the mass communication department of the University of Lagos on part-time basis, thus compelling me to shuttle between Victoria Island and Akoka every evening; using my meagre salary then to pursue the dream was tasking as I was always running into debt before end of every month. By doing that, I received God’s grace to balance work and study. Amidst my study at the University of Lagos, I enrolled as a student member of the Nigerian Institute of Public Relations (NIPR) as I was opportune to understand the concept of Public Relations through some of my colleagues that worked in the marketing department of the company I was deployed to by my employer at the time; H.F.P Engineering Limited. As God would have it, I passed the three stages of the professional examinations in Public Relations under the auspices of the NIPR almost simultaneously with my graduation from the University of Lagos. Consequently, I also studied at Olabisi Onabanjo University (OOU) for an advanced programme in Mass Communication.

At this juncture, it is expedient to clarify that my qualifications in Mass Communication did not only gave me the opportunity to join the Journalism profession but also enabled me to at some point worked as a Personal Assistant and Marketing Assistant at different stages in my working career. This is as Mass Communication cultivates critical thinking, problem-solving, and conflict resolution, teamwork, and public speaking skills.

Given the foregoing, it is expedient to opine that life, being a journey, is a complex one, filled with twists, turns, and unexpected detours. Along this winding path, our personal experiences serve as both compass and guide. They shape us, challenge us, and ultimately propel us toward growth and self-discovery. Given the foregoing, it is germane to opine that the essence of this view is to use my personal life experience to inspire and motivate the younger generation. This is as life rarely unfolds according to our meticulously crafted plans. Unexpected obstacles emerge, testing our mettle. Through these challenges, we learn the value of resilience, the ability to bounce back, adapt, and keep moving forward. Our personal experiences become the forge where our inner strength is tempered. Thus, by sharing these story in this context, I encourage young minds to embrace setbacks as stepping stones toward their own resilience.

In fact, our experiences provide us with a canvas on which we paint our achievements. Each obstacle overcome, each goal achieved, reinforces our self-belief. I believe that as I share these victory, I might ignite sparks of confidence in others, particularly the youths. I believe they will learn from my story that self-doubt need not be a permanent companion, that they, too, can conquer mountains with unwavering faith in their abilities.

Without a doubt, failures are not dead ends; they are crossroads. Our personal history is dotted with missteps, missed opportunities, and shattered dreams. Yet, it is through these failures that we learn, adapt, and evolve. By recounting our own setbacks, we impart the wisdom that failure is not defeat, it is a necessary detour on the road to success.

Also, our experiences often revolve around people, friends, family, mentors, and chance encounters. These relationships shape us profoundly. By sharing tales of compassion, empathy, and understanding, we emphasize the importance of genuine connections. Therefore, I encourage the younger generation to invest in relationships that enrich their lives and contribute to their growth.

In our fast-paced world, mindfulness often takes a backseat. Yet, personal experiences remind us to pause, breathe, and savor life’s simple pleasures. Whether it is a sunset, a heartfelt conversation, or a personal achievement, being fully present allows us to find gratitude in everyday moments. Through our stories, we inspire others to cherish the now.

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