Kano Correctional Center Has 400 Inmates Without Case Files -CP

Kano State Commissioner of Police, Mr. Usaini Gumel
Kano State’s Commissioner of Police, Mr. Usaini Gumel, has confirmed that 400 people are being held without case file in the Central Correctional Centre in Kurmawa, Kano.
He made this statement during the Law Week of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) in Kano, which had the theme “Turning Point.” On Monday, May 13, 2024.
Gumel mentioned several issues surrounding the detainees, including the lack of case files, missing court records, absence of Case Diary, delays in trials without bail, and a shortage of legal professionals to provide free legal services to those arrested or detained.
He also noted the lack of coordination between correctional facilities and legal aid services, leading to gaps in support and service delivery.
Gumel expressed concerns about detainees not having legal representation and its potential impact on their rights within the criminal justice system.
Regarding the conditions at the Remand Home in Goron Dutse, Kano, Gumel highlighted the lack of basic facilities like healthcare, hygiene, staff offices, and schools.
“There is lack of basic facilities such as healthcare, routine hygiene, staff offices, and schools at the Remand Home, Goron Dutse, Kano.”
To address these issues, the State Command launched a Steering Committee to implement the Police Duty Solicitors Scheme (PDSS).
This committee, made up of criminal justice professionals, has been engaging stakeholders and visiting correctional facilities to gather information and discuss the way forward.
“The committee, comprises of criminal justice professionals, has visited correctional facilities and held constructive discussions with stakeholders to obtain useful information on the way forward,” he said.
Gumel emphasized the commitment of the police command to promote and protect human rights through the PDSS, which aims to provide free legal assistance to detainees and ensure their rights are upheld throughout the criminal justice processes.
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