JUST IN: CAN Storms Jos, Protests Continued Killing In Plateau

Report has it that the Christian Association of Nigeria is currently leading a protest over the incessant killing in Plateau State and other regions of the country.

The protest which is tagged “Plateau Peace Walk”, is being spearheaded by the Plateau state CAN chairman, Rev Polycarp Lubo, ECWA President, Rev Dr Stephen Baba Panya, COCIN President, Rev Dr Amos Mohzo, Bishop of Methodist church, Jos; Rev Nkechi Nwosu; President, Gideon and Funmi-ParaMallam Peace Foundation, Rev. Dr Gideon ParaMallam among other major Christian leaders across the state.

It was gathered that the protesters began the peace walk at the PRTVC Roundabout in Jos the Plateau state capital and headed to the Rayfield Government House to express their grievances on the current insecurity situation bedeviling the state.

Recall that a few days ago, attacks by armed gunmen in some communities of Bokkos, Mangu and Barkin Ladi LGAs of the state left dozens of residents killed with several others critically injured and properties worth millions destroyed.

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