Howard University Revokes Diddy’s Honorary Degree

Howard University Revokes Diddy's Honorary Degree

Howard University has taken back the honorary degree it awarded to American rapper and music executive Sean Combs, also known as Diddy.

The university’s Board of Trustees made this decision unanimously.

This action follows multiple sexual assault charges against Diddy and the release of a video showing him assaulting his ex-girlfriend, Cassie, in a hotel. The university found his behavior completely against its values.

A spokesperson for the university told Fox on Friday, “The Howard University Board of Trustees voted unanimously today to accept the return by Mr. Sean Combs of the honorary degree conferred upon him in 2014.”

This decision removes all honors and privileges associated with the degree, and Diddy’s name will be taken off all documents listing honorary degree recipients from Howard University.

Diddy, who attended Howard University for two years before dropping out in 1990, received the honorary doctorate and served as the commencement speaker in 2014.

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