How Tech Agents Are Battling For Content To Build AI

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In a big legal battle, Microsoft’s CEO, Satya Nadella, talked about how tech giants like Google are fighting to get content they need for their AI systems. He complained that Google is making expensive deals with publishers to lock up content.

The U.S. government is suing Google for having too much power in the search market. They say Google pays billions to be the default search engine on phones and makes a lot of money from ads.

Nadella said that building AI needs a lot of computer power and data. He’s okay with spending money on servers, but he doesn’t like it when other companies make exclusive deals with content creators.

Microsoft tried to make Bing the default search on Apple phones, but it didn’t work. People mostly use Google for searches.

Even when Bing was made the default on some devices, like Verizon phones in 2008 or BlackBerry and Nokia in 2011, most people still chose Google.

On laptops, where Bing is the default, it has less than 20% of the market share.

The judge asked why Apple would use Bing if it’s not as good as Google. This shows the judge is interested in Google’s argument that they’re on top because they’re better, not because they’re doing anything illegal.

This legal fight comes after Microsoft faced a similar lawsuit in the past. It changed some things about its business, which allowed companies like Google to compete.

Microsoft and Google have been rivals for a long time, fighting in different areas of tech like web browsers, search engines, emails, and now in artificial intelligence.

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