The word differently in this title means there are things Ms. Harris cannot directly say due to the nature of politics, especially u.s politics. So the different groups that support her must keenly listen and step in where it would be a dangerous gamble for her. It is not just the so-called independent voters, but Harris should appeal to Republicans, green and other party supporters. and even a message to non-voters outside the u.s as medium to voters and help them get a better standing with God, who indeed judges even our wishes as more than an atom’s weight. Although we can further divide the groups, the main ones are the anti-Biden group(s), the anti-establishment group(s), the Republican group(s), and the pro-Trump group(s). As her supporters or resort supporters you may never be able to perfectly predict what she will do as president, but you can contrast her with Trump and show the voters how Trump is much worse than Harris can publicly chastise him.
Before going much further, it may be important to acknowledge that I am a resort supporter of Ms. Harris, meaning I do not see her as perfect or most ideal. If I were to form a group, my mantra would have been ‘Vote Harris, Pray for her, and be ready to fight her where need be.’ Considering I have written what was titled: ‘Trump versus Harris, beyond the debate’; I would recommend you check it out because I will significantly reduce the great points I mentioned there. Harris should strive to get over sixty percent of the popular votes, as Trump admits the possibility with a blame to the Jews. Ideally, Trump should historically drop out to save his supporters or get about five to xyz percent of the votes.
The anti-Biden group(s) are many and in some way significant to appeal to. Considering at least 75% who voted for Biden will vote for Harris, if alive, then even five percent of Biden voters will amount to over a million votes and that can certainly determine the winner. The easiest anti-Biden group to win over is the so-called Arab voters, but the real title is the anti Israel-Gaza+ wars, which amount to many millions more than Arab-Americans. One of my mentioned articles clearly shows why it would be difficult and stupid for Ms. Harris to distance herself from Biden or make any dangerous promise at this moment. So getting a prominent person, preferably a Muslim to do the right re-education is vital. Both words and actions matter, especially in the world of politics. From around 2008, I discovered how dangerous Ms. Clinton was, especially in her obsession with Israel and she proves me right beyond her terrible work as secretary of state, but also her words on the ongoing Gaza conflict. Fast forward to 2016, I knew it was a gamble to resort support Trump, but supporting Ms. Clinton was not an option. God allowed Trump as an easier test, but the world, including Arabs failed. Trump seeded this very conflict, except to those who are blind, who may indifferently let him worsen it after God hard rescued us from him? Covid 19 was a hard rescue that significantly contributed to the defeat of Donald Trump. We know Biden failed long before the Gaza war and the debate, but who is blind to God’s role in removing Biden? Trump did not win that debate with his lies or any significant punch, it was Biden who self-punched himself too many times, to the secular mind. No! It was God who caused or allowed that cold, withheld his tongue, words, and memories in ways He can do to even young folks. The proof includes other post-interviews of Biden that were not perfect, but much better than the debate. God removed him to hopefully ease the test. When God opens a window, appreciate it as more than ‘mizgha-lah-zahrah-tihn’ or atom’s weight, or choose fears and desires as your God on voting and non-voting choices.
Kamala may not be perfect, but there are many signs that God helped her and testing her still, and we pray for God to perfectly guide her a lot more. She bravely stood up to Biden than any democrat on a cannabis response, weeks before she was nominated as VP. God must have been impressed to convince Biden to still choose her. Trump even said ‘it must have been a hard choice to choose her’. God catapults her again towards the presidency and it can be done with or without your ‘Arab Votes’, but do remember our choices are closely watched. I recommend not just to vote, but to strongly campaign for her beyond Michigan, with hope that God will pay with or without her, if you sincerely do it. As far as peace is concerned, God has revealed to me a plan I will unveil post elections, because timing matters. Peace is possible with either candidate, but the tests are not the same and I pray for the easiest test in every aspect. Peace will be possible with God as the most important aspect, but we will all likely have to adjust. If Kamala wins, except for Michigan, it will make it difficult to understand if you will ever use your mind or just emotions and reckless gamble? Do not pressure her towards any dangerous promise, but work on different plans and present it in due time, if you trust or do not trust my upcoming plan. If you closely study the words of Ms. Clinton, Obama, Biden, Trump, and Harris on Gaza, then you can agree that terrible Biden is still better than Ms. Clinton and Trump, so God made a dribble to those who understand soccer. Harris will likely be better than Biden beyond Gaza.
The anti-establishment groups are many again. We must admit the so-called establishment did both good and bad in and beyond U.S. The problems with the establishment are mainly speed on repentance and inconsistencies. We must also admit worse than the establishment is possible and Trump is a perfect example who claims to be anti-establishment, but in reality, he always wanted and still wants the establishment to be much worse and saw the tiny repentance of the establishment as going backward. Here again, her supporters can learn a lot from my mentioned article and to paint Trump as worse than the establishment beyond his hypocritical charging of Assange. When respected folks like Glen Greenwald cannot see how dangerous Trump is, show his type how Trump recklessly pursued Assange to seed how to go after other journalists and that the under-repenting ‘establishment folks’ supporting Harris does not mean Harris is bad, but that Trump is worse than the establishment. Harris should be very careful and pitch at least one thing she will do differently from the establishment. Here is one area Biden can do co-repenting or advise her to smartly pitch it as her difference from both Biden and Trump. The pre-Obama establishment wrongly over-punished Cuba; Obama uplifted some; Trump worsened it with lies as ‘state sponsor of Terrorism’… I do not think Kamala will lose votes or God by saying she will take Cuba from that list and allow Americans travel there to possibly influence change. Many of you will agree Israel is directly committing state terrorism, and U.S. is a state sponsor of state terrorism, not Cuba?
The Republican group(s) should be smartly courted than Harris is doing. They should be courted based on beliefs and citing the ordinary, not just the elite. It is OK to say two hundred top Republicans are for Harris, but it is much better to say thousands or millions of Republicans are for Harris for xyz, because Trump chose so and so. Where-as the most racist whites are often republicans, there are countless republicans who are not racists, but see and understand the dangers of Trump on racism. In politics, some sadly focus on over demonizing your opponent, but I do not think that is smart at all. There are countless people who are much more racist than Trump and worse than Trump on abortion. So when Harris or anyone over-blame Trump on abortion problems, it ignores the role of state lawmakers and state judges, but it also alienates voters who understand the dangers of blaming one person and the importance of state and even personal rights over federal impositions. Just like the Quhr-aahn admits ‘there is some good in alcohol, but the evil is much worse’; I am very comfortable in saying ‘There was some good to Trump’s presidency, but the evil and potential evil of Trump’s second term is greater’. Among the good in Trump came through the Supreme Court Judges under Biden. Trump seeded good and bad that came under Biden, because things like reversing the Embassy moving in Jerusalem was possible, but Biden was not brave enough to do that…
The Republicans who are against violence or pro respect for good laws should be courted even where the electoral college may reduce the impact. Run the ads in Republican leaning states and visit them, or at least send your VP nominee to such states. Some of your advisors may beg to differ, but there is real wisdom to it. A great speech in Texas or Kentucky is less likely to win the electoral college vote in such states, but every state will still be able to hear you in our age of technology. Winning at least 70% of the popular votes and helping win more congress for democrats or independent candidates are all vital. Just like Harris picked Gov. Tim Walz from a non-swing state and who is certainly helping win swing states than JD Vance are all signs.
The pro-Trump group(s) also vary on reasons or illusions. Some like Trump due to fear, including World War Three, but reading my article ‘Trump versus Harris, beyond the debate’ sheds great light on that illusion. Some like Trump due to greed, especially financial greed. Some like Trump due to arrogance, especially racial arrogance. With all my differences with Ms. Clinton, she was slightly right when she said, ‘most of Trump’s supporters are deplorable’. I do not think it is smart to use words like ‘most’ or for the actual candidate to use such harsh words. There will likely be deplorable voters in both camps. Some of the voters can take words very personally, from raw activists and up to politicians. So when you reach a certain level, it may help to have secret ‘attack dogs’, test the waters with facts. ‘Some’ is often better than ‘most’, or did Ms. Clinton visit what percentage of voters and gauge how many issues to conclude ‘most are deplorable’, without more specifics?
The ‘never democrat voters’ should be courted to vote at least independent for lawmakers. I honestly think even non-Americans who wish Trump the presidency will be judged. His time is over, based on what he did and who he faces. Do not die supporting Trump, but choices matter, not just death. People sadly take voting as light or based on ‘want’, but voting is major in the sight of God. Voting is about should and can, not just want. Voting should be based on conscience, but conscience includes intelligence, not just truth and kindness. So those who think voting green or other independents count should read my mentioned article.
More contrasting of the VPs matter, including how they were picked. Republicans attack how or why Harris was picked as ‘DEI’, but dare not accuse her of picking Walz as DEI. She bravely chose someone from a non-swing state, while Trump chose JD Vance because he ‘kissed his ass most’ or from a swing state Trump should lose? The dangers of naive leaders are huge, because if ordinary voters can mislead Vance and Trump on alleged pet eating, then the worst of the establishment can do terrible things through these two. We know JD Vance saw the dangers of Trump, but his obsession with politics and knowing he cannot run as a democrat is why he studied Trump enough. He ‘ kissed his ass’ and Trump helped him to be a senator? No! Maybe God wants to destroy both if Democrats become much better and smarter? Like Obama took Ohio, have faith that some regretted voting Vance. So let him lose even the senate seat by carefully choosing a formidable candidate, and stop assuming every candidate beat Trump, Vance, or other questionable Republicans.
Those wanting to know more about Harris should see her as evolving and more willing to listen. Leadership is very much like sales. As a salesperson, I saw God as my best helper, whom I can only court through truth; I saw my customers similar to ‘sexual partner’ that may be short or long term, but I must compete with each customer on truthfulness, sincerity, and humble listening. Yes, I asked questions like any salesperson, but I listened keenly and considered listening as important as speaking or more. Even though both good and bad people can temporarily and varyingly succeed in sales and politics, I think Harris is a better listener than Trump. Although I think Harris leans on intelligence more than truth, Trump leans on interest and fractional facts, sometimes dangerous fractional facts. Trump likes to appeal to the fears, greed, and arrogance of people with explicit and implicit messaging. Because Harris seems a lot more conscientious than Trump, our target with her is to get more conscientious people around her to counter the interest and ‘intelligence’ leaning folks to understand God will eventually bless the truthful more, hopefully sooner. Harris should not only rule as it is her last term and God will judge her based on conscience, not what people think. Once empowered, you choose best and explain why to sway public opinion. The good results will sway public opinion. She can even declare why the u.s or her party should consider one term limit as law or voluntarily towards law at party and federal level. The so-called power of the incumbency is overrated. By doing her best with the full intention to step aside come four years time; it gives countless Democrats a great opportunity to rise and get her support with unprecedented ways of supporting. ‘Although my presidency is 90 or xyz% successful, I admit I was wrong on Cuba or xyz based on results; since you the ordinary democrats have chosen Governor Gasvin, Wesmore, or xyz — I am throwing my full support on him or her based on xyz. If there was evidence based on social media or a cabinet meeting de-classified document, citing your new nominee or the new chosen VP candidate was right where we were wrong will help, not hurt. You build the confidence that someone within the party can win to push a lot more and rectify where need be. Again, my mentioned article has reasons why one term limit is overdue and will lead to expedient progress. May God bless me, help her repent more sincerely, bless every trying spirit through Showlove Trinity: let’s learn, let’s work, let’s have fun.
By Jarga ebba Gigo
An Activist and Transformer
Author of Juts Quhr-aahn.