Governor Zulum Unveils ICT center and Inspects Three Projects in Gajiram, Borno

The Borno State Governor Babagana Umara Zulum, made significant strides in bolstering information and communication technology (ICT) infrastructure with the inauguration of the Gajiram ICT Centre. 
This state-of-the-art facility, unveiled during his visit to Gajiram, offers a glimpse into the governor’s commitment to advancing educational and developmental initiatives within the region.
Arriving in Gajiram on Friday, Governor Zulum dedicated his time to overseeing various humanitarian and developmental activities, underlining his hands-on approach to governance.
The culmination of these efforts was unveiling the ICT center, a hub equipped with internet facilities and the capacity to host up to 300 trainees across different demographics, including out-of-school children, adults, and local government staff.
During the inauguration ceremony, Governor Zulum articulated his administration’s vision to collaborate with the National Board for Technical Education to ensure the proper accreditation of programs offered at the centre.
“We will liaise with the National Board for Technical Education to certify graduates from all our ICT centres in Borno State,” Zulum said.
 This strategic partnership aims to provide graduates with certified credentials, enhancing their prospects in the job market and validating the centre’s educational standards.
Following the auspicious inauguration, Governor Zulum embarked on an inspection tour of three pivotal projects, signaling his unwavering commitment to infrastructure development.
Notable among these projects were the revamped General Hospital in Gajiram and the ambitious Mega High Islamic Colleges in Gajiram and Gajiganna communities.
These institutions, boasting 48 classrooms each along with administrative offices and ancillary facilities, underscore the government’s dedication to enhancing healthcare and educational access in underserved areas.
Governor Zulum’s expressed satisfaction with the ongoing projects attests to his meticulous attention to detail and insistence on adhering to high-quality standards.
 His commendation of contractors’ adherence to project specifications further underscores the collaborative effort driving these transformative initiatives forward.
The unveiling ceremony drew a distinguished audience, including esteemed members of the House of Representatives such as Engineer Bukar Talba, as well as representatives from the House of Assembly and local government officials.
Their presence underscored the collective commitment to realizing the region’s developmental goals and leveraging ICT infrastructure to propel Borno State into a brighter future.
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