Google Announces AI Updates To Search Engines

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In a statement released on Wednesday, Google’s Vice-President of Search, Ms Elizabeth Reid, announced two groundbreaking updates, Circle to Search and Multisearch, designed to elevate the user experience on the search engine.
Reid highlighted that these updates, born out of generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) testing, aim to make search more intuitive, aligning with Google’s mission to organize and universally make information accessible.
“As we enter 2024, Google envisions a future where you can search any way, anywhere you want,” stated Reid, emphasizing the ongoing advancements in AI that enable Google to understand information in various formats, including text, audio, images, and videos.
Circle to Search introduces a novel method for searching on Android phone screens without app switching.
Through simple gestures like circling, highlighting, scribbling, or tapping, users can effortlessly select images, text, or videos to retrieve the information they need.
Furthermore, Multisearch enhances the search experience by incorporating AI-powered insights beyond visual matches when using the camera or uploading photos. This allows users to ask more complex questions about what they see, providing quick access to key information.
Reid emphasized the broader implications of AI-powered search engines, stating that they improve productivity, revenue, customer experience, and more.
Google’s commitment to evolving search capabilities reflects a continuous effort to meet users’ evolving needs in a rapidly advancing technological landscape.
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