Dead or Alive?

“You believe that there is one God. You do well. Even the demons believe—and tremble! But do you want to know, O foolish man, that faith without works is dead.” James 2:19-20

People say “yes, I will do it” and they do not do it. They say “yes, I will be there” and yet they are not there. Their words have no meaning, no effect and no life.

In the world I was a party girl. My girlfriends and I had a close camaraderie and we thought ourselves to be some cool, hip chicks! It was exciting, and I loved it…for a season. While I was living this way, an acquaintance at work asked me if I wanted to go to a Billy Graham crusade with her. I politely declined but inwardly I was thinking, “Now why would I want to go to a Billy Graham crusade? Me? A hip chick like me?”

Soon after, another person gave me a book about Bible Prophecy. Although I didn’t think the Bible had anything to say about the present age, I was curious. As I was drinking some fine brew one evening, I opened the book. I was amazed to find that I was reading not only about the contemporary and even future world, but also about myself.

My eyes were opened, and I saw that we (the world and I) had the same problem: we had chosen our own way over God’s way. With blazing clarity, I understood that Jesus came to right our wrongs and forgive us in order to bring us back into a pure relationship with God.


“Lord Jesus, thank You that we can be born again into a new life with you. Thank you that you came to the earth to live a perfect life and then to die for us as payment for our sin. Thank you that in rising from the dead, You made the way for us to get back to the father.”

In Jesus’ Mighty Name,


Final Thoughts:

What could I do but pray? “Ok God, I have tried everything else, so, if You still want me, You can have me. I will do what You want me to do. I believe You, Jesus!” From that moment, I felt His love and I knew that He would change my life.

When I told my girlfriends about Jesus and how He had saved me, they wanted nothing further to do with me. One said. “Oh, I’m a Christian too.” What? I had no words, but inwardly I was thinking “Why did you not tell me?” She had been my party buddy for years and her life showed no evidence that she loved my Jesus. All talk no action! My friend’s so called “Christian faith” produced no works, so it was dead. It was obvious that she had no life in Christ.


Be Greatly Blessed!

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