Court Reduces Mubarak Bala’s 24-Year Sentence to Five Years for Blasphemy

Court Reduces Mubarak Bala's 24-Year Sentence to Five Years for Blasphemy
Mubarak Bala
A Court of Appeal in Kano State has reduced the 24-year sentence handed to atheist Mubarak Bala to five years, on Monday.
Bala, the President of the Humanist Association of Nigeria, was initially sentenced by a Kano State High Court for blasphemy against Allah and Prophet Muhammad.
His lawyer, James Ibor, expressed gratitude that the court found the previous sentence unlawful.
Bala’s legal team is eager to learn the court’s stance on Bala’s jurisdiction challenge, despite his guilty plea, which was allegedly made under duress according to Humanists International.
The full judgement will be published later this week so until then, I don’t have much to say,” Bala’s counsel said.
Bala instructed his lawyers to appeal on four grounds, including the court’s lack of jurisdiction and misapplication of sentencing laws.
Humanists International believes Bala was targeted for exercising his rights to freedom of religion and expression.
They urged the Appeal Court to overturn the judgment, leading to Bala’s release. Bala first gained attention in 2020 when he was arrested for blasphemy and incitement, and later appealed the 24-year sentence after pleading guilty to causing a public disturbance.
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