What we need in Nigeria is an awakening
Everyone simply needs to wake up from slumber
We need to rub our eyes and shine it bright
There is decay around us to see
Then, we need to get a broom
And go sweeping, mopping and drying too
We need to clean house and sort out the future
There is decay all around Which others can see
The first place to clean is the road
Our traffic system, for sure
This particularly need some sanity
A forbear to peace in the land
Let us start with road signs
And add proper names and direction
To streets and roads in Nigeria
Then, many will not have to ask
Where exactly are we?
Can we go one way or the other?
Is there a speed limit at all?
Anywhere with a school and children crossing?
Can cows just saunter past, on the way to the farm?
Is the zebra crossing just for zebras?
As nut heads speed up to you
Not expecting a human on the stripes
Oh, what a calamity on our roads
When cars and motorcycles too
Drive in the wrong direction
A shortcut to their destination
Woe betide any, who stand in their way
Street lights, what street lights?
Full headlights are what you get
As drivers strain to see
Through the dark, at the speed of light
Bumps and craters
Jar into your bones, a need
For new shock absorbers
And tyres too, every few months
Those who stop at traffic lights
Are seen as fools
Unable to watch out and dodge
Others with right of way
For stopping at lights
Is only at Christmas
A decoration on our roads
That’s for sure
If there is an accident
The questions start
Didn’t you see me?
The loudest and the meanest wins
For few have insurance
A driver’s licence
Or good eyesight
Half-blind for sure
A call to the Police
A waste of time
For who pays wins
Their support, in a court of law
So, my friends, rise up
If we clean our roads
We will surely, be cleaning Nigeria
Injecting not just petrol but sanity too!
We need direction
Of where we are headed
And a visible plan
Of how we will get there
For right now
Our generation is lost
On the road without a seatbelt
Carnage all around us!
We need an awakening
Everyone should wake up
Rub your eyes and shine it bright
There is wreckage around us