Challenges of Dating As a Single Mother- Joseyln Dumas

Joseyln Dumas

Ghanaian actress and TV host, Joselyn Dumas, recently talked openly about the challenges single mothers face when trying to get back into dating.

During a conversation on her YouTube channel, Dumas shared a story about a friend who was hesitant to date a woman with a child. He worried about taking on the role of a parent for a child who wasn’t his own.

Dumas highlighted how this kind of thinking makes it hard for single mothers to find love, as they often face prejudice because of their parental status. She emphasized that despite being single moms, they still want to be happy and date like anyone else.

Dumas recounted her conversation with her friend, Anthony, who was adamant about not dating someone with a child. He argued that he didn’t want to raise someone else’s child and preferred to focus on his own bloodline.

This mindset, according to Dumas, contributes to why many single mothers remain single with their children. She also questioned the double standard when it comes to adoption, suggesting that raising a non-biological child shouldn’t be seen differently.

Dumas stressed that single mothers don’t choose to raise their kids alone because they want to be alone, but out of necessity and duty.

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