Back To The Ancient Path

My Farm! Our Lives!!
Jarlath Opara

To that ancient path, a path, though not plated with Gold and Diamond, but far better than what we ply on today.

When patriotism wasn’t the bride for all, but at least majority had flare for it.

The ancient path! When brothers and sisters slept on same bed, nothing evil crosed their mind. When parents wouldn’t suspect uncles, leaving their girl child under their watch.

The ancient path! When everybody may not be their brothers’ keeper, but safe and better then, than now.

Back to the ancient path!
Though crude and uncivilised, the peace enjoyed, the morals expressed and the good conscience exhibited, far better than this slippery path of iniquity, lawlessness and indignation the insignia of this age.

To the ancient path! Take us there. Nigeria has gone far into the digital world of corruption, nepotism, tribalism, living out barefacedly the corruptive system of digital age. Back to the ancient path! The only song on my lips.

The future looks pretty and dazzling, glowing with an enticement, so irresistible, but poisonous, taken hook line and sinker as it is the rule now, destroying every fibre of whatever is good and godly in familes, churches and societies. Back to the ancient path! The ace in the hole.

Today, marriage is redefined. Sex is no more by nature and biological features, rather by choice and feelings. Tommorow who knows what it would become. To the ancient path! Our hope lies!

Back to the ancient path! When fornication, adultery, abortion, homosexualism lesbianism etc though prevalent, but not as rampant, common and normal as today.

To the ancient path! When godliness wasn’t too low, with no value, morals and dignity as it is today.

When politicians, office holders and Civil/ Public officers, though not saints, but have in them some measure of values, character and reputation.

Take us to that ancient path! When stealing of public money wasn’t a gesture of pride , but one done in secret without funfair, brazeness and impunity.

Back to the ancient path! Crude and uncivilised it may appear, peace, joy and happiness the imprint that make it the desired destination now.

Back to that ancient path! When the national anthem sounded thus:

Nigeria we hail thee,
Our own dear native land,
Though tribe and tongue may differ,
In brotherhood we stand,
Nigerians all, and proud to serve
Our sovereign Motherland.

Our flag shall be a symbol
That truth and justice reign,
In peace or battle honour’d,
And this we count as gain,
To hand on to our children
A banner without stain.

O God of all creation,
Grant this our one request,
Help us to build a nation
Where no man is oppressed,
And so with peaceNigeria we hail thee,
Our own dear native land,
Though tribe and tongue may differ,
In brotherhood we stand,
Nigerians all, and proud to serve
Our sovereign Motherland.

Back to the ancient path! When the above was our creed, the wordings held too sacred . When patriotism wasn’t battered, justice not monetized, brotherhood not beaten with bloody nose and red eyes, but courted and cherished, though some were unpatriotic then, an exception, not the rule as it is now. Back to that ancient path!

To the ancient path! Not by time and space but more of values, morals,character and reputation.

To the ancient path of conscience, godliness, honour and dignity. To the ancient path of respect, diligence and truthfulness.

To the ancient path! Not by legislation without implementation. Not by policy without honour and adherence .

To the ancient path! When conscience becomes that light and truth that illumined dark path and say the truth and maintain it no matter how bitter.

To the ancient path! Not by changing the national anthem from new to the old, but realising the need to be the change we all desired no matter whose ox is gored.

Nigeria we hail thee,
Our own dear native land,
Though tribe and tongue may differ,
In brotherhood we stand,
Nigerians all, and proud to serve
Our sovereign Motherland.

Back to that ancient path when the above anthem would not only be mere lyrics for national function, but a reality to be lived in our lives as citizens.

Jarlath Uche Opara

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