Author: Okike Ezugwu

It is not today that Nigerians began to regret the abolition of slave trade. When an extraordinarily stupid opinion is expressed on social media, you would often see people regretting abolition. The holder of such opinion, if the ugly trade was still in vogue, would be sold outright. A man, in one of such outrages against public stupidity, was valued at a good bottle of whisky. Another would have gone for a head of tobacco. The brutal wisdom running through this line of reasoning is that the transatlantic slave trade enabled a community get rid of its worthless and senseless…

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THE first place I met Oyibo Chukwu, the assassinated candidate of Labor Party for the Enugu East Senatorial District, was in the Enugu state High Court. I was waiting for my matter to be called up, and Oyibo, a well-spoken senior lawyer, was cross-examining a witness. In the courtroom, he was not only armed with the knowledge of the law, he was incomparably entertaining and dramatic. Woe would be your lot if Oyibo was the Counsel on the other side. He bullied both Bar and Bench and truly enjoyed his game; with a confident smile which hung over his charismatic…

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IF YOU call Muhammadu Buhari incompetent, it is only a crazy man who would stand up to make a case to the contrary. Buhari is as incompetent as the day is long. His tragic lack of ability has completely ruined Nigeria. The dreadful thing about some of the harms he has caused is that they might prove ineradicable. One need hardly say that the economy is mortally wounded. The naira, terminally sick before he arrived, is now dead and resting with its ancestors. Bandits run a thriving parallel state, where they supervise world’s most brazen-faced and profitable ransom-farming. For the…

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