Author: Esther Salami

Over time, both well-known figures and average individuals have become victims of blackmail stemming from notoriety associated with leaked nude photos or videos. However, while the act of sharing people’s personal content is dreadful and inexcusable, it is crucial for people to recognize the fragility of digital security. The digital space is vulnerable for many reasons, such as cyber-attacks like hacking and phishing, which exploit weaknesses in systems and human behavior. Additionally, human error, such as using weak passwords, reflexive posting, or accidentally sharing, further contributes to the risks. Due to the advancement of modern technology, the internet promises no…

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It’s the rainy season already, which means we will likely see several thunderstorms across Nigeria. Therefore, it is important that we have a guide on what to do and what not to do during rainy and stormy weather conditions. According to the U.S. Weather Service, a thunderclap happens when lightning strikes, heating the air around the bolt to as high as 50,000 degrees Fahrenheit, which is 5 times hotter than the sun’s service. Immediately after the flash, the air cools and contracts rapidly. This rapid expansion and contraction create the sound wave that we hear as thunder. The Nigerian Meteorological…

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The European Medicines Agency (EMA) is investigating Novo Nordisk’s (NOVOb.CO) diabetes drug Ozempic and weight-loss drug Saxenda, which is used for weight loss, due to concerns raised about the potential for suicidal thoughts associated with its use. The event occurred after Iceland’s health regulator raised three cases of patients contemplating suicide or self-harm. Following the News, shares of the Danish drugmaker fell by 1%. According to the agents, two cases of suicidal thoughts were found among those who used Ozempic, which contains the active ingredient semaglutide. Also, another patient on Saxenda, Novo’s earlier and less effective weight-loss drug that contains a…

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Ghana joins global initiative aimed at predicting and potentially preventing future pandemics This global project known as Bat OneHealth aims to; carry out field studies of bats in global hotspots, understand bat immunology, physiology, and behavior, predict which viruses infect humans, model virus dynamics and spillover, and restore landscapes to stop spillover. Bats are animals with remarkable characteristics that make them significant to global health. Their immune tolerance and innate viral reservoirs make them crucial to detecting and understanding emerging infectious diseases that could pose risks to human health. BBC journalists paid a visit to a team of scientists from…

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On Sunday, July 9, 2023, the Chief Executive Officer of Duke of Shomolu Productions, a theatrical play-producing outfit, disclosed that the Guinness World Record holder, Hilda Baci, will be cooking in Lagos on Friday, July 14, to raise funds for a widow. The initiative which was founded by Joseph Edgar was created to assist widows and empower them to be self-reliant. He disclosed that the initiative, which has been operating for the past three years, had raised more than N10 million for widows. The initiative involves very close friends and associates of The Duke of Shomolu, who donate cash instead of…

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Based on statistics, Nigeria has an arable land area of 34 million hectares: 6.5 million hectares for permanent crops, and 28.6 million hectares for meadows and pastures. It is the second-largest producer of sorghum and ranks fifth in the production of palm oil and cocoa beans. Starting out as an agrarian society, currently, the agricultural sector accounts for about 23 percent of Nigeria’s GDP. Below is a list of notable agricultural landmarks in Nigeria. 1. The Kano Pyramids in Northern Nigeria The Kano pyramids are large structures of stacked bags of groundnut grains. These pyramids were invented by Alhassan Dantata, a prominent nut…

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“Deforestation in Brazil’s Amazon rainforest fell 34 percent in the first half of 2023, preliminary government data shows, hitting its lowest level in four years as President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva institutes tougher environmental policies.” – Aljazeera The rate of deforestation of the Amazon rainforest has raised alarms as the rainforest was reported to have shrunk by 2,649 sq km just between January-June. Reports also stated that the area of rainforest lost under President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva’s term is more than three times the size of New York City. “We have reached a steady downward trend in…

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Twitter threatens to take legal action against Meta’s new Threads app Meta’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg said thirty million users signed up for its newly launched Threads app on its first day. Based on experts’ analysis of the event the recent actions by Twitter may be an advantage for Threads’ audience. About the issue, Twitter CEO Linda Yaccarino said though Twitter is “often imitated”, its community can “never be duplicated”. Threads which was pitched as a”friendly” rival to Twitter, has many similar features to Twitter’s platform. However, many in the online community have embraced Threads as a much-needed competitor to Twitter. They…

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Just yesterday, at a press conference, the Director of Public Health, Dr. Sadiq Abdulraman, announced that residents of FCT should immediately take the Pentavalent vaccine to stop the spread of Diphtheria. Diphtheria is an infectious disease caused by strains of the bacteria Corynebacterium diphtheria that can spread from person to person, usually through respiratory droplets, like from coughing or sneezing and touching infected open sores or ulcers. Those majorly at risk of getting sick include people in the same household, people with a history of frequent, close contact with the patient, and people directly exposed to secretions from the suspected…

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An Overview of Nigeria Nigeria is a country located in West Africa. It shares land borders with Benin, Cameroon, Chad, and Niger and shares maritime borders with Equatorial Guinea, Ghana, and São Tomé and Príncipe. It is the most populous country in Africa, with an estimated population of 213.4 million as of 2021. Nigeria experiences three major ranges of climate namely; tropical monsoon climate in the south, tropical savannah climate in central regions, and a Sahelian hot and semi-arid climate in the north. It also possesses diverse geographical features, such as coastal areas, savannahs, rainforests, and semi-arid regions. Nigeria is…

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Calabar is a vibrant old city located on a natural hill along the Calabar River in Cross River State, Nigeria. It lies at approx. 5 miles (8 km) upstream from the river’s entrance into the Cross River estuary. From its existence in the early 17th century, Calabar has held true to its motto “the people’s paradise.” The city was once a major trading hub during the colonial era and served as the capital of the British Southern Protectorate. its rich history, culture, and natural environment are primary reasons for its popularity among tourists. Particularly, every year, the Calabar Carnival, usually held…

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In the latest deprivation experienced by women in Afghanistan, the Taliban government has given one month for all hair and beauty salons in Afghanistan to be shut. A spokesman for the Taliban-run Virtue and Vice Ministry, Mohammad Sidik Akif Mahajar, did not give details or reasons for the ban. He only confirmed the content of a letter circulating on social media. The letter dated June 24, says it conveys a verbal order from the supreme leader, Haibatullah Akhunzada. Since the Taliban seized power in 2021, the maltreatment faced by Afghan women has continually been on the increase. Currently, girls and…

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Facebook owner, Meta will be launching a new text-based conversation app called Threads in order to rival Twitter. The platform has been scheduled to be launched on Thursday, July 6, 2023. The introduction of the new application marks another phase of the ongoing rivalry between Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook, and Elon Musk, who acquired Twitter in October. The two renowned billionaires recently garnered attention when they engaged in a widely shared social media exchange, in which they humorously agreed to a cage fight against each other. The release of ‘Threads’ follows an announcement by Twitter that TweetDeck, a popular…

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37-year-old poet and novelist, Victoria Amelina became the 13th person to be killed in the missile strike on the Ria Lounge restaurant in Kramatorsk, eastern Ukraine on June 27. Just a year before, she had written on Twitter; “I’m a Ukrainian writer. I have portraits of great Ukrainian poets on my bag. I look like I should be taking pictures of books, art, and my little son. But I document Russia’s war crimes and listen to the sound of shelling, not poems. Why?” As writers around the world, pay her tribute, human rights activists called her death a war crime. Her death…

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Victor Hugo Sosa, the mayor of San Pedro Huamelula, a town in southern Mexico, got married to a female crocodile called “La Niña Princesa” (“The Princess Girl) in a traditional rite on June 30th to bring good fortune to his people. According to the AFP report, this marriage ritual has been rehearsed for 230 years to monumentalize the peace between the Chontal and Huave Indigenous groups. The mayor, embodying the Chontal king, weds the reptile, emblematizing the union of the two cultures. The marriage ceremony allows the communities to connect with the earth and seek blessings for rain, crop germination, and harmony. Speaking during the ritual, the mayor said “ I accept responsibility because we love each other. That’s what’s important. You can not have a marriage without love. I yield to marriage with the princess girl. ” Jaime Zarate, an annalist of San Pedro Huamelula, explained that “ The wedding allows the sides to link with what is the hallmark of Mother Earth, asking the each- important for rain, the germination of the seed, all…

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Known as “the giant of Africa”, Nigeria hosts several cutting-edge engineering masterpieces. Below are some of the most notable engineering landmarks in the country. Dangote Refinery Dangote Refinery is an oil refinery owned by Nigerian businessman Aliko Dangote. The refinery sits on a 2,500 hectares site at the Lekki Free Trade Zone, Lekki, Lagos State. It is supplied with crude oil by the largest sub-sea pipeline infrastructure in the world (1,100 km long). It has been estimated to provide 135,000 permanent jobs in the region. The world’s largest crude distillation column, weighing 2,350 tonnes, was installed at the Dangote refinery…

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Nigeria may thrive in starting out projects, but on a number of notable occasions, it faces the challenge of continuity and sustainability. This attribute is important to economic growth and until we resort to breaking the trend of stopping halfway, there is only a limit we can reach as a nation. Projects like National Stadium in Lagos, Tiga Dam and Power Station, and the Lagos-Kano railway line which was abandoned for a long while have been rehabilitated, but some projects still lay abandoned or underutilized. They include; Ajaokuta Steel Company Built on 24,000-hectare land, Ajaokuta Steel Company, located in Ajokuta,…

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Nigerian Visual Artist, Ife Olowu has caught the eyes of the world by bringing his art to life through the technology of Augmented Reality (AR). The artist stated that his goal was to turn an exhibition into an experience of art that defies boundaries. His works are part of a collection of 8 pieces titled “Colored Reality” and are worth about $10,000. Visitors at his art studio in Lagos use their Android or IOS device to scan a bar code which allows them to interact with the artworks. Some of his artwork features notable places in Lagos, Nigeria. Some of…

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On the 16th of the month before the festive month, an almost 19-year-old girl arose to bring Nigeria’s name to the world stage, her name, Agbani Darego. The year was 2001 when Nigeria was still finding its ground amidst its economic situation. Agbani Darego was then a student of Computer Science at the University of Port-Harcourt. Although just 12 when she lost her Mother to Breast Cancer, she remained undeterred in pursuing her dreams. Her win did not only mark a breakthrough for Nigeria but for Africa as she became the first indigenous African, crowned Miss World. The 6ft 1-inch…

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The top 10 Nigerian meals great for losing weight Whether you are a fitness guru or you are just starting out on your fitness journey, getting the dietary basics right is important for keeping fit. According to Rachel Attard, a renowned fitness trainer, every lady falls majorly under either of the three body types. These body types are not just about what you look like but your ability to gain/lose weight and muscle as well. They include; ectomorph, mesomorph, and endomorph body types. Ectomorphs are usually naturally slim and find it hard to gain muscles. Mesomorphs can be quite athletic…

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“Human teeth bites can be as dangerous as or even more dangerous than animal bites because of the types of bacteria and viruses contained in the human mouth” – Mayo Clinic Discussion Opening of Human Teeth bites According to Cleveland Clinic, there are two distinct types of human teeth bites. They include; occlusion bites and closed fist bites. Occlusion bites occur when someone else’s teeth sink into your skin with enough force to break through the surface, while closed fist bites occur when someone’s fist makes contact with another person’s teeth, puncturing their hand in the process. This occurs with…

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Since their establishment in 2001, Hikvision and Dahua have grown to become two of the world’s leading manufacturers of surveillance cameras. However, as part of a series of experiments run by Panorama to test the security of some Chinese-made surveillance cameras, Panorama collaborated with IPVM, a notable global authority on surveillance technology, to conduct an assessment on determining the vulnerability of Hikvision cameras to hacking. According to a Freedom of Information request, around 35 UK local authorities use Dahua cameras, while 227 councils and 15 police forces use Hikvision. UK’s surveillance camera commissioner, Prof Fraser Sampson, warned that the country’s…

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Beans are popular legumes many Nigerians consume due to their taste, fiber attributes, and protein content. However, it is essential to know that often at times, these legumes are sprayed with dangerous chemicals by farmers. An example of this chemical is a popular pesticide called Sniper, which contains the active ingredient Dichlorvos (DDVP), a toxic organophosphate compound that can be harmful if ingested in large quantities or over an extended period. Although efforts have been made by the Ministry of Agriculture to curb the use and application of dangerous chemicals to store beans, an untold number of farmers still use these…

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Before and after her independence in 1960, Nigeria’s architecture has improved considerably featuring distinctive structural forms, towering heights, and well-planned landscapes adorned with cultural effects. Some of the top architectural masterpieces across Nigeria include; 1. The Centenary Hall The Centenary Hall is located in Abeokuta and was built over 80 years ago to mark the end of the inter-tribal wars in the Egba land. The portrait of past heroes of the Egba land is used to adorn the walls of its interior. 2. The Moroccan Building and Tower,…

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The history of Nigeria draws back to ancient times, with evidence of human habitation dating as far back as 9000 BCE. However, written records of Nigeria’s history began much later, with the arrival of various kingdoms and empires. In the first millennium BCE, the Nok civilization emerged and was known for its distinctive terracotta sculptures. The Nok people were skilled ironworkers and engaged in trade across the region. Between the 9th and 19th centuries CE, several powerful empires rose in different parts of Nigeria. One of the notable early empires was the Kanem-Bornu Empire, located in the northeast, which thrived…

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Beyonce donates £8,000 to Struggling Nigerian Tapas Restaurant, Chuku’s Firstly, Led by a brilliant brother and sister duo, Chuku’s Restaurant, situated at 274 High Road in Tottenham, North London, found itself teetering on the edge of financial strain due to rising energy bills and living costs. The restaurant had opened five weeks before the Covid-19 lockdown and had struggled to keep up with management costs as it approached its fourth anniversary. “However, luck favored them when the renowned pop star, Beyonce, chose them as one of the ten restaurants to receive a generous grant.” According to the siblings who are…

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Located at the core of Lagos, Nigeria, the Third Mainland Bridge gracefully extends, seamlessly connecting the bustling commercial hub of Lagos Island with the vibrant mainland section of the city. At 11.8km long, it stands as the longest of the three road bridges (Eko and Carter) crossing Lagos Lagoon. At the time it opened in 1990, the structure was the longest bridge in Africa until 1996 when the 6th October Bridge located in Cairo was completed. The structure made use of reinforced concrete and engineers had to construct an artificial island in Lagos Lagoon at the point the bridge met…

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The Song Obasanjo tried to Ban in Nigeria during his tenure Eedris Abdulkareem, Nigeria jaga-jaga In 2004,  Eedris Abdulkareem released a song that caused a stir in Nigeria. The song lyrics portrayed Nigeria as a scattered, impoverished country filled with suffering. Although, it captured some of the harsh realities of the country, it made use of violent vocabularies and exaggerated the situation in a manner that sparked conflict rather than fostering innovation among its listeners. At that time, it was widely celebrated in the streets; and clubs took to play the song even after the then-president Olusegun Obasanjo banned the…

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It is often said that love is blind but when faced with the harsh reality of sickle cell disease: should love persist in keeping its eyes shut, or courageously seek a path forward? According to the Sickle Cell Foundation Nigeria, in Nigeria, the prevalence of sickle cell disorder is estimated to affect two out of every hundred children born, making us the largest number of people living with sickle cell disorder in the entire world. This information suggests that a significant portion of the population, especially those with limited education, may still lack awareness of sickle cell disorder or show…

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In 2017, a study funded by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation found that bad diets were responsible for more deaths than smoking globally.  Hence, the necessity of incorporating fruits and vegetables to our diet. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) adults are to eat at least 5 servings (around 400 grams) of fruits and vegetables per day. However, a lot of persons are not able to hit this target thus, the significance of smoothies. Smoothies are delicious and velvety drinks typically created by blending a combination of pureed fruits, vegetables, juices, yogurt, nuts, seeds, and/or dairy or nondairy milk. It…

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