Amidst the Fun, Fanfare, Goodies and Foodies, Safety is Our Future   

A Dynamic Discussion That Gave Birth To The Decolonization Of Education  
Ndaba Sibanda

Festivities are picking up or are in full swing, and food and drinks

in their varieties, values, shapes and shades will flow and feature

 as a topmost toast and flavor of the gatherings and merriments.


After all, it’s the end of the year, and a time to tally our triumphs

and count our blessings, to let loose and wind up, and spoil oneself,

a moment to collect, feast, celebrate and radiate love, liveliness and joy.


Happiness and health are twins, no wonder nutritionists and other health

experts help us ditch unhealthy eating habits, not all so-called goodies dished

up or out to us are good and healthy, they advise. Police stress safety and peace.

I no longer take warning words like: don’t drink and drive, speed kills, don’t drive

when you’re dazed, dog-tired, dizzy or woozy and don’t let food eat you up at a party

or any “beautiful” beverage drink you up, for there is a tomorrow, for granted.


Some of these ” happy goodies” seek to turn us into fooled addicts and foodies,

while some of these “good times” can be ruined by excess in conduct or ingesting

or even in wording.  May holidays put beams on faces, renew hopes and horizons.


Happiness and health are inseparable twins. We can nurture them in spite of life’s highs

and lows, hurdles and humps. For humanity is hungry for love, happiness and healing.

Happy holidays all, let’s seek to prioritize health and security for posterity in our revelries.

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