Young man queries his ancestors short sighted bravery

In a digital age where people, especially the young, appear to be on a steady move towards the next big innovation, putting past behind them as quick as possible, a young man has done the almost unthinkable of calling on his ancestors.

The disgruntled youth, speaking from a depth of frustration, came online to question the current state of the nation. He couldn’t understand how a country like Nigeria with so much talent will be in a mess, where qualified young people cannot make ends meet.

Humor though met this sad outlook when the young barrister regretted that his ancestors ran into the bush to avoid being sold into slavery during slave trade by colonial masters. His reason is that most colored people making waves overseas today, in America, Europe and other developed nations, are descendants who can trace their origins in the developed continents to slave trade.

Should the ancestors be blamed? They were only running for their dear lives.


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