Why You Shouldn’t Kiss My Cousin Venita – Neo To Adekunle

Neo Akpofure, a participant in the Big Brother Naija All Stars, issued a cautionary message to Adekunle regarding his closeness with Venita Akpofure, who happens to be Neo’s cousin. A notable incident occurred during the pool party on Thursday night when Venita and Adekunle engaged in an intimate interaction in the restroom, including a passionate kiss.

Following the pool festivities, Ilebaye suggested a kissing session, prompting Neo to advise Adekunle, who was in close proximity to Venita, against attempting to kiss her. Neo humorously emphasized that Adekunle had not fulfilled the requirements for Venita’s marital formalities.

Ilebaye playfully exclaimed, “Come on, guys, let’s have a kiss!”

Neo playfully retorted, “Remember, he [Adekunle] hasn’t fulfilled his obligations [Venita’s bride price]. I just reminded you, that’s all.”

Adekunle interjected, asking, “Tolanibaj, has he [Neo] fulfilled his obligations [your bride price]?”

Meanwhile, on the same Thursday night, Ilebaye and Cross once again shared a kiss, capturing the attention of their fellow housemates.

After the pool party, Neo and Tolanibaj, who had previously reconciled their differences, shared a kiss and cuddled in the restroom during the afternoon hours.

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