What Tale Will Your Phone Tell?

With the recent technological improvement and the reduction of global reach to a village setting, where distance is no more a barrier, with just a click, the world and all its components come knocking at ones door, the need to be conscious and mindful of the inflow and outflow of information is key.

Our phones are no more limited to making of calls and sending of messages; it does much more than that, leading one into the world of absolute possibilities through the agency of Internet.

With ones Internet compliant phone, business transactions are sure, buying and selling is a done deal, academic exploration and achievement certain, money generation through social skits absolute etc.

Facebook, Instagram, You-Tube, twitter etc are assured means of revenue mobilisation. Millionaires and Billionaires have been moulded, crafted and raised through these social media spaces. The world is shifting from absolute physical interactions to absolute virtual, leaving little or nothing percentage to the physical world.

The virtual world is now a place almost every body finds fulfilment and joy. It is a place of excitement and free expression of emotional feelings. We live in this space more than we live in the physical world. We have more friends there more than we have in the physical world. One can afford to work and walk through the social media spaces, navigating, researching, catching cruise, doing bussines for hours unmindful of ones physical environment.

A lot have been done through video calls, the good the bad and the ugly. The possibility that it has is limitless.

Facebook is yet another place of mix materials. It is a world of its own, accommodating many, displaying a lot and being too slow in forgetting, always generous reminding one, in case one might pretend to forget.

When one isn’t expecting it, it pops up. Google is another oracle of massive possibilities. Wouldn’t want to use the word omniscient. However, knowledge of things are just a click away. With the aid of Google knowledge hidden and unknown is unravelled.

We have built our world around our phones. To know how much a person is worth, look through their phones. To know how decent one is, look through the phone, to know where ones interest lies just pick their phone and flip through . Phone has become ones alter ego, the second self . Every secret information is found in the phone, little wonder those who do not trust themselves always have their phones passworded, though not in all cases, the secret place of no access even by their wives.

Think about this! What would be that shocking revelation popping up from one’s phone when one is long gone into eternity? Would such revelation tallies with the image one was known or would the brow of many familiar and relative eyes be raised in shock?

Imagine what would happen when messages and chats of compromising and indecent emotional feelings begin to flow in, days into ones passing on from those one rocked life with who knew not of ones passing?

Many have died whose secret lives were hidden only to be discovered through the content of their phones.

Assuming one drops dead now, would the contents of ones phone make a decent representation of one or would their be gory revelation of a hidden lifestyle unknown to love ones?

The Internet never forgets. It does not make up things, it saves for future reference.

When one cheats virtually, using the Internet to perpetrate obscene chats and communications, hidden from the innocent eyes of loved ones may be temporary, deleting may equal be a smart game, but what happens to the next message? It could come in, as obscene and dirty it may sound that very moment ones phone is in the hand of a loved one ,still grieving over ones demise.

Ones phone may mar or make one, when one is long gone.


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