Ukraine War: Zelensky travels to US seeking to secure $60 billion in military assistance

Zelenskyy Loses Favour in Washington

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has come to Washington DC to try and save a US defense package for Kyiv that’s worth billions of dollars.

This aid has gotten caught up in US politics, with Republicans wanting concessions on border funding in return.

This is Zelensky’s third visit to the US since Russia invaded in 2022. It’s a critical time for Ukraine, with the EU deciding whether to start talks for Ukraine to join.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has indicated he opposes this move and has the power to block it.

Orban and Zelensky had a intense conversation recently, but the details are unknown. Zelensky will be in Washington this week, meeting with President Joe Biden and Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson, and addressing the Senate on Tuesday.

The White House stated that Zelensky’s visit underscores the US commitment to supporting Ukraine against Russia’s invasion. However, the $60 billion military aid package is stuck in Congress.

Republicans argue that more money should go to US-Mexico border security. A Senate vote last week blocked a package without border measures.

Republicans also want changes to how undocumented migrants seeking asylum are processed.

They argue for policy changes to regain control of the southern border. The Biden administration is open to some asylum policy changes but faces opposition from liberal lawmakers. Democrats are concerned that changes could harm vulnerable people, including children.

Democratic Senator Chris Murphy said the White House is more engaged in negotiations for comprehensive funding that includes money for Ukraine.

Even if the Senate agrees, the House of Representatives, where opposition to more Ukraine aid is stronger, must also approve the package. Biden urges swift approval, warning that Russia won’t stop at victory over Ukraine.

Although Ukraine initially resisted Russia’s attack, its counter-attack this year has stalled. Some Western nations supporting Ukraine show signs of fatigue.

After the Senate vote, Ukrainian First Lady Olena Zelenska emphasized that Ukrainians are in mortal danger without continued support from Western countries. She stressed that getting tired of the situation could lead to dire consequences.

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