Troops in Kaduna Neutralize 6 Terrorists, Seize Arms and Logistics in Ambush

Troops in Kaduna Neutralize 6 Terrorists, Seize Arms and Logistics in Ambush
Recovered Weapons by Nigerian Army in Kaduna State
Troops of the Nigerian Army, deployed for counter-terrorism operations in Kaduna State ambushed and neutralized six terrorists on Friday.
This achievement was accompanied by the recovery of various arms and other logistics.
Acting on credible intelligence about the movement of terrorist elements in Giwa and Birnin Gwari Local Government Areas (LGAs), the troops swiftly mobilized to intercept the threat.
The operation began with an ambush staged at Kidandan Junction in Giwa LGA, where the soldiers laid in wait for the terrorists. When the terrorists arrived, a fierce firefight ensued.
Despite the intensity of the battle, the terrorists eventually fled the scene, abandoning a pistol in their haste to escape.
Determined to continue their mission, the troops moved on to clear the villages of Basurfe and Yuna.
 During this phase of the operation, they recovered a motorbike that the escaping terrorists had left behind.
 The terrorists had crossed a nearby river valley, but the soldiers, undeterred, trailed them to Katoge village.
Katoge village is known as a terrorist enclave and a crossing point for such elements. Upon arrival, the troops sighted a scout for the terrorists.
The soldiers immediately engaged and eliminated the scout, resulting in the recovery of a semi-automatic pump-action rifle.
The operation reached its climax in Saulawa village, located in Birnin Gwari LGA. Here, the troops encountered several terrorists riding motorbikes. A ferocious exchange of fire broke out between the two sides.
The gallant troops, using their superior firepower, overwhelmed the terrorists, neutralizing five more of them.
This engagement led to the recovery of an AK-47 rifle, a G3 rifle, and nine motorbikes.
The operations demonstrate the troops’ doggedness and determination in combating and mitigating terrorist activities in the troubled areas of Kaduna State.
This series of operations reflects the commitment of the Nigerian Army to restore peace and security in regions plagued by terrorist threats.
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