The Fountain

“In that day a fountain shall be opened for the house of David and for the inhabitants of Jerusalem, for sin and for uncleanness.” – *Zechariah 13:1*

William Cowper seemed destined for political leadership. Apprenticed to a solicitor, he was called to the British Bar and was considered for a prestigious position in the House of Lords. Everything changed when he collapsed under the strain of an approaching examination. Suffering from depression and panic attacks, he was admitted into an asylum. There seemed to be no hope.

In that asylum, he spent much time reading the Bible. There, he experienced a breakthrough when he committed his life to Jesus. He wrote a hymn that described this breakthrough called “There Is a Fountain.”

Reflecting on his personal experiences, Cowper described this fountain filled with Jesus’ blood. It was a fountain of forgiveness. There, sinners “plunged beneath that flood, lose all their guilty stains.”

We can be forgiven like the dying thief who was crucified next to Jesus. In our flesh we may be “vile,” but through His blood, all our sins can be washed away. As Cowper realized, the blood of Jesus will never lose its power.

In his own life, he had seen the amazing way the Gospel could transform a life. He had committed his life to sharing the news about that message with others. He described how Jesus’ “redeeming love has been my theme, and shall be till I die.”

The Bible is filled with insights about the blood. Yes, the blood has power, healing, and protection. Jesus shed His blood just for you!

*Reflection Question:*

Write a praise to God thanking Him for sending Jesus to die for your sins.


Father, thank You for the forgiveness I receive from the blood of Jesus. Guide me. Direct me. Empower me. In His name, amen.


Today’s Bible Reading

Zechariah 13

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