Sophia Momodu Denies Blocking Davido’s Access to Daughter Imade

Sophia Momodu Denies Blocking Davido's Access to Daughter Imade
Sophia Momodu and Daughter Imade

Davido’s first baby mama, Sophia Momodu, has denied claims that she prevented the singer from seeing their daughter, Imade. 

Recently, Davido filed a lawsuit seeking custody of Imade. However, in a statement from her legal team, Momodu explained that it was Davido’s own choice not to see their daughter since July 2022.

She also stated that she has been solely responsible for Imade’s care over the past two years while Davido only posts pictures of Imade on social media to appear as a supportive father.

The statement said, “David has not seen their daughter since 2022 by his own choice. Sophia has never stopped him from seeing Imade. He hasn’t reached out on special occasions like her birthday or Christmas, leaving Imade upset and wondering why her father has cut contact. Despite this, David posts pictures of her online to falsely show himself as a caring father.”

The statement also mentioned that Davido hasn’t paid Imade’s school fees since July 2022. The school contacted him multiple times about the fees for the 2021/2022 term and January 2023 but got no response.

Legal action was taken in February 2023, and Davido’s father eventually paid the fees. Sophia emphasized that the most important support Davido can give is his presence and emotional support.

The statement added, “Sophia has never denied David access to Imade, only access to her body and intimacy, which he has had an issue with. David is publicly known to be in a relationship, and Sophia wishes him well. She wants to move forward in her life without harassment and verbal abuse.”

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