Shocking Porn videos of local girls cause ripples in Jos

•Residents condemn acts

A series of pornographic videos involving local Jos girls have leaked and raised a lot of dust in the city even as residents have begun to demand arrest of the producers.
The news of the sex videos has started circulating late last year and has got to its peak in the new year even as residents have begun circulating the videos online via social media channels and on phones.
Already, the news has become a subject of discussion in public places, homes and even in radio stations in the city.
Residents have identified some of the actresses in the highly sexually explicit videos, to be either their girlfriends, sisters, daughters, friends, neighbours or mere acquaintances.
News Chronicle had access to one of the videos involving a lady called “Lizzy”, who lives in the Lamingo area of Jos and a resident confirmed she was his neighbor and a known face whom they had grown together with.
An assessment of the video showed that the videos were being produced by a business syndicate under the name “Compromise agents” who intend to benefit from the trade by luring young ladies with money as low as N30,000, while the actresses involved get a percentage from referrals.
In the said video, Lizzy was seen introducing herself before the camera and a conversation was held between her and someone behind the camera. He asked of her name, nationality, if she had a boyfriend, why she chose to act in the video. In her response, she introduced herself as Lizzy, a Nigerian with a boyfriend and that she was doing it for the money.
Then the man promised her that a referral (that is if she could refer another lady to him for an acting role), N100,000 would be paid of which she would get a percentage from it, of which she obliged.
Then the main act started before the camera while the face of the man in the act was blurred to hide his identity.
News Chronicle made another attempt to access the video in order to get the original conversation on paper but the “video has been removed at the request of compromise agents”, so was the message on the site.
Apart from the Cyber Crime Act of 2015 which forbids child pornography, there is no stringent control in the production and distribution of pornographic films in Nigeria.
According to a classification of countries by the production and distribution of pornographic films by Wikipedia, internet pornography in Nigeria is legal. It further showed that the sale of pornographic films is illegal.
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