Rev. Fr. Mbaka’s Spiritual Somersaults

Sunny Chris Okenwa

Rev. Fr. Ejike Mbaka is the Spiritual Director of Adoration Ministry in the coal city of Enugu. From the testimonies of those that have attended his services he is into deliverance, healing and ministration of the gospel. He is very generous. He employs a horde of folks and helps the needy. He is a successful ‘businessman’ who has investments that generate millions of Naira. Heaven may not count for Mbaka as he values material and non-material things here on earth rather than awaiting to make heaven upon his death.

The controversial Catholic cleric had survived assassination attempts. But despite these failed attempts on his life (ostensibly orchestrated by opposing political forces) he is still very active speaking truth to power — though sometimes he overreaches himself engaging in spiritual acrobatic dance rooted in ‘God says’ or ‘God told me’.

Father Mbaka remains a controversial cleric even in his Catholic world. His profile is one fraught with contradiction and confrontation with mundane powers. Like the famous Father Edeh based in Elele, Rivers State, he has had a running battle with the catholic hierachy that tried to rein him in.

Whoever accuses Mbaka of political meddlesomeness may have a valid point. Often he deviates from matters spiritual to those mundane. While his service to the people cannot de denied he had taken a hit from those opposed to his style of adoration or criticisms.

Recently he has been in the news online for reasons of recantation or renunciation. He was quoted as saying that the ‘Hope’ of a man he had spectacularly predicted his guber victory at the apex court in the land, the Imo State Governor, Hope Uzodinma, no longer picked his calls. And lamenting further Mbaka had said the Supreme Court-imposed Governor never visited his Adoration camp in Enugu to pay ‘homage’ or show appreciation to God for the manifestation of the prophecy in his political career.

While lamenting that Gov. Uzodinma had severed relationship with him Mbaka had claimed that he was not after money but to give his beloved Hope some lesson on good governance. Whoever told Mbaka that Uzodinma needed his spiritual or mundane counselling must be suffering from insanity.

The Governor may be dodging Mbaka because of what happened to the former Anambra state Governor, Peter Obi, sometime ago at the Adoration ground in Enugu. As the running mate to Atiku Abubakar in the 2019 presidential poll Obi had, prior to the election, visited Mbaka. And when the time came for promise of largesse to be donated to the church Obi declined to say how much he intended to give. Despite subtle pressure from the Adoration lord Obi stood his ground, only promising to do it discreetly.

So Gov. Uzodinma may be avoiding the Mbaka blackmail or as some folks would say he is not prepared to carry ‘bill’ from the ‘seer’. So for Mbaka to complain about Hope’s refusal to talk things over on phone must have been the anti-climax of an elaborate ecclesiastical swindle averted.

When he told Imolites that ‘Hope’ was upon them little did they know that that promised hope could turn to hopelessness. Today both Mbaka and Imolites know better.

Between Mbaka and the ‘Hope’ he claimed he made possible through the special intervention of ‘God’ in the natural political affairs of men something is wrong somewhere. It is either the ‘hope’ was not from God or it has fallen into the wrong hands of the gods, godfathers and godmothers.

If ‘Hope’ in its executiveness meant the Orlu massacre, the invasion by unknown gunmen of the Imo state police headquarters and correctional centre, if it meant the Okorocha/Uzodinma feud leading to a street gang war then Imolites had been sold baboon in the place of monkey!

Besides, Fr. Mbaka had lambasted President Muhammadu Buhari calling for his resignation or impeachment since the embattled number one citizen could no longer guarantee the security of lives and properties of Nigerians. While President Buhari’s failure as President is no longer in doubt the right thing under the circumstance is resignation or impeachment if he refuses to go home.

Mbaka’s message of impeachment or resignation sent across to the underwhelming President was in resonance with the national mood. But while the message was loud and clear enough enjoying the broad approval of Nigerians the messenger is deficient in credibility. Mbaka is no longer a credible commanding voice because of his mundane nay, spiritual somersaults.

Sensing that criticisms would definitely follow his somersault Mbaka had sounded defensive asking the federal legislators to heed his call for Buhari’s impeachment or suffer divine wrath. Asking us if Samuel was not the King that anointed Saul who later deposed him was defensively disingenuous.

When Goodluck Jonathan was in power way back in 2015 prior to the emergence of Buharism Fr. Mbaka had accused Jonathan of failure drumming support for Buhari whom he had told us was the ‘messiah’ God had approved to change our lives for good. But today Mbaka is telling us that the same God that ‘anointed’ Buhari was asking him to withdraw the support since the President had deviated from the right course.

His antagonism towards GEJ could be predicated on a ‘deal’ gone sour. By embracing ‘Mr Integrity’ and ditching GEJ Mbaka had hoped for a better ‘deal’ under PMB. What he hoped to get under GEJ never came his way and the attention he sought was rebuffed.

By claiming divine interaction or revelation Mbaka often sounded like a man possessed by forces outside the celestial realm. While some of his prophesies had come to pass others had fallen by the way side. Yet he continues to pontificate throwing arrows at political figures hell-bent on destroying the social fabrics of the nation.

Father Mbaka cannot be looking for money because he is said to be stupendously rich already. He cannot be after fame or relevance for he is popular already. He has made name for himself for saying or doing the right things and the very opposite — the wrong things!

The presidency and the ruling APC had all blasted Mbaka for his anti-Buhari call. While Garba Shehu claimed Mbaka was being ‘eaten up’ by his failure to secure contracts from Buhari upon his visit to the Villa many years ago the APC declared their readiness to report Mbaka to his principal in Rome, Pope Francis.

Today, Mbaka could pass as ‘persona-non-grata’ at Aso Villa in Abuja and Douglas House in Owerri. Life has a way of serving us useful and useless lessons. In Rev. Mbaka we have learnt not to believe hook, line and sinker the so-called men of God. Through his mundane somersualts of late we have learned to be cautious of whatever they throw our way in terms of divine message or doomsday prophesy. Or even expectations of bliss or better lives.

Adoration Ministry has afforded Mbaka a rare opportunity to help humanity rediscover ourselves. What he says at the pulpit ought to reflect his choice as an ordained priest. Priesthood has little or nothing to do with mundane politics. If he leaves politics to politicians concentrating his efforts more on serving Christ and saving the lost sheep he would realise that whatever he is looking to achieve in the mundane already exists in the spiritual.

Whatever Fr. Mbaka is gunning for his reputation would be made better if he concentrates his spiritual energy on preaching the gospel, healing the sick and bringing deliverance and happiness to the homes of the brethren. His foray into politics would damage him more if he continues taking that route of infamy.

SOC Okenwa


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