Pupil Beaten to Coma by Teacher in Anambra Finally Dies

LEFT: The teacher, Mrs Faith Nwonye (carrying a baby) CENTER: Proprietress of Landmark School Mgbakwu RIGHT: Abused pupil
Master Henry Chukwuemeka Okonkwo, the young pupil from Landmark International School in Mgbakwu, Awka North, who was reportedly beaten into a coma by a teacher, has sadly passed away.
This was confirmed by the Public Relations Officer of the State Ministry of Education, Nnaemeka Egwuonwu on Thursday in a statement made available to newsmen in Awka.
Recall that the medical doctor handling the child had said his chances of surviving were 20 percent.
The suspect Mrs. Faith Nwoye had earlier been invited by the Commissioner for Education, Prof Ngozi Chuma-Udeh, to explain what led to the brutalization of the child on Monday 20th May 2024
She was invited alongside Mrs Promise Ilo, the proprietor of Landmark School Mgbakwu, which the state government said is an illegal school because it was not registered with the Ministry.
The teacher who admitted flogging the child, however, stated that the flogging was not as severe as the picture was painted.
In the statement yesterday, Egwuonwu revealed the child died at the intensive care unit of the hospital, in the early hours of Wednesday.
“The matter was handed over to the police for investigation, and the suspect too.
“The State Government through the State Commissioner for Education, Prof Ngozi Chuma-Udeh has warned those operating illegal schools in the state to desist. 
“Teachers are also advised to take care while handling children. 
“Teaching is a calling that must be done with love, care, and understanding and not hatred,” Egwuonwu said.
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