Praying for Others

‘And give my son Solomon the wholehearted devotion to keep your commands, requirements and decrees and to do everything to build the palatial structure for which I have provided.’ 1 Chronicles 29:19 (NIV).

David prayed for God to give his son, Solomon, a ‘wholehearted devotion’. That is, that above all else, Solomon would desire to serve God first and completely. Or in other words, that Solomon would serve God with an undivided heart. David knew that prayer was a vital key to Solomon’s success as a leader in the years to come and so faithfully gave himself to this task of upholding Israel’s future king to the Lord.

Do we know others in the Body of Christ who are struggling in their devotion to Christ? Those who find it hard to do what God wants, or even harder to want to do it? Let’s be the one who commits ourselves to praying for that person and watch what our Father can do in their life. Those who are struggling in their Christian journey need the devoted prayers of others to hold them up and help them continue to seek Christ.

God gives believers wholehearted devotion. He is the One who can present us faultless before the Father and keep us from falling away. (Jude 24) We can pray that God would do this in the life of those we know who are lacking total devotion to Christ. And we can pray that God would work in their heart to will and to act according to His good purpose (Philippians 2:13).

What a privilege to pray for others and what a blessing it is to know that others are praying for us. Tell them we are praying for them and ask if there are specific needs that we can present to God on their behalf.


‘Heavenly Father, I pray for those I know and those I don’t who are struggling in their journey with you. Give them an undivided heart to serve you faithfully and completely. Remove the obstacles that keep them from abiding in you Lord. Thank you.’

In Jesus’ Mighty Name,


Final Thoughts:

Sometimes we wish there was more we could do to help another. But in these times, we underestimate the power of prayer. Our prayers can sustain and encourage, empower and enable another to deepen their life with God and offer Him the wholehearted devotion that He deserves. Our faithful prayers results in far more than we will ever see or know.

Be Greatly Blessed!

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