Police Raises Concerns Over Irregularities and Corruption in Constable Recruitment List

Police Raises Concerns Over Irregularities and Corruption in Constable Recruitment List
Force Public Relations Officer, ACP Olumuyiwa Adejobi
The Nigeria Police Force has sounded the alarm over irregularities and alleged corruption in the recently published list of successful candidates for the 2022/23 Police Constables Recruitment Exercise.
This troubling development was highlighted in a statement released to Abuja press on Saturday, June 15, 2024, by the Force Public Relations Officer, ACP Olumuyiwa Adejobi.
According to Adejobi, a thorough review of the list posted on the Police Service Commission (PSC) portal uncovered several discrepancies.
Among these were instances where individuals who had not applied for the recruitment, candidates who failed the Computer Based Test (CBT), and those disqualified for medical reasons were included in the final list of successful candidates.
On June 4, the PSC had announced the approval and release of a list of 10,000 successful applicants for recruitment into the constable and specialist cadres.
 This announcement was intended to mark a significant step forward in strengthening the Nigeria Police Force.
However, following the release of the list, the Inspector General of Police issued a letter of objection on June 10.
This letter, addressed to the Chairman of the Commission, highlighted the discovered irregularities and expressed serious concerns from the Nigeria Police Force.
The letter emphasized that the integrity of the recruitment process had been compromised and called for immediate corrective actions.
The statement by ACP Adejobi pointed out that the inclusion of ineligible candidates severely undermines the credibility of the recruitment exercise.
The rigorous selection criteria, including the CBT and medical screenings, are meant to ensure that only qualified and fit candidates are enlisted.
The discovery that these standards were not followed raises significant questions about the transparency and fairness of the process.
Particularly troubling is the inclusion of individuals who never applied for the recruitment. This raises the possibility of fraudulent activities or severe administrative lapses within the recruitment process.
“Such irregularities could potentially jeopardize the overall quality and effectiveness of the police force, as unqualified individuals may lack the necessary skills and fitness required for policing duties.”
In response to these findings, the Nigeria Police Force has urged the PSC to conduct a thorough investigation into the matter.
“Identifying and rectifying the root causes of these discrepancies is crucial to restoring the integrity of the recruitment process.”
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