One Day The Tortoise Will Outrun The Hare: Part 9

Of Lies, Pies ‘n’ Promises

Hare and Elephant were hauled to a court of justice. The ten -member jury had insects, birds, reptiles and animals in it. Bat presided over the deliberations. Every bird, every reptile, every animal and every insect watched the proceedings with keen interest. Hare wanted to talk, but most animals reacted angrily to this. “Shut up, shut up, father of thieves and killers! Your time is up, can`t you see? You have no right to address us.

After all, we all know that you want to shield yourself with lies! Not this time. Close your big mouth! “Bull-frog, whose neck all along had been vibrating so vividly that partially blind Bat could see, croaked, “You sent Elephant to crush all my children, you evil Hare just because we disagreed on a number of things, especially about your treatment of other animals ,reptiles, insects and birds. 

Today, l want to spit on you. Today, you will die between my feet like lice. I will crush you as l spill your blood, bloody sucker!” He was approaching Hare when Bat ordered other animals to hold him back and calm him down. For a while animals seemed to discuss and whisper about the recent actions and words of Bull-frog .Bat cleared his throat and thundered, “Please order! Order! May l call everyone to order .Hush, comrades!” Immediately there was utter silence.

Bat resumed, “Justice is what we seek here? Is that so?” All the insects, animals, reptiles and birds chorused, “Yes, judge!” Bat pointed at Hare and Elephant, and said, “These animals deserve to see justice in action. Let us not convict them. Let them convict themselves, if need be. Now, l call upon Hare to respond to the accusations that he has been cheating when it comes to running competitions , secondly many birds, animals, reptiles and insects have suffered and perished at his claws.”

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