Nigerians Laundered More Forex To Colonialists Than Colonists

The Nigerian Exchange

How can African Militricians, especially Nigerians without the knowledge of history, Agreement and contract suddenly become such Experts for Power? Those ignorant of how the French imperialists crippled Haiti for daring Independence, cannot understand the devastating effects of the French Agreement with West African French Speaking countries. Though the British do not spell out their Agreement with English Speaking African countries with such impunity, the opium effects are no less disadvantageous. Ironically, it was the far Right Italian before she became Prime Minister that challenged France on this. The more they sugarcoat their inhumanity to man, the more they exposed their entrenched racist bias.

Africans, especially Nigerians are still developing and sustaining Europe, America and Asia. We export more coal than Newcastle wants. It is worse than that, Africans bleed one another alive for money in Nigeria to launder out in order to live an imaginary life abroad. We are deeply entrenched in the belief we must bleed most to death at home, to survive outside. Many Youth and their parents have become indifferent to the plight of others in Africa. Unfortunately, we have lost more. Our culture of being our brother’s keeper has been lost with our children enmeshed and glorified in foreign culture locally and abroad.

The inverse relationship between more foreign incomes and creation of abject poverty in the land of plenty is unprecedented. We mourn the centuries during which Europeans looted Africa’s treasures and debased its culture, turning it into the Dark Continent. Most Africans did not play dead because the Zulu, Ashanti, Ijebu, Oyo, Benin and Opobo fought back. Igbo Landing would rather die by mass suicide than remained slaves abroad.

When most Youths make their first million or less, their question is which foreign country they can move (japa) to. Though the money saved or accumulated can go further at home starting a small business than in any foreign country. Youths have already given up on their country before they make any effort to prosper on their own. It is usually tougher to succeed in a hostile environment. Our Youths are willing to double their determination abroad in futility, but not at home for gradual progress.

Some of the friends we grew up with did most of their schooling abroad. They came back home on summer holidays, the only time they spent with their parents. Hell broke out when one of them told his parents that if they did not bring him home, they would suddenly find him at the Airport. Obviously, he had been complaining that he hated staying with foster mothers in London. He would rather stay home to attend one of the local secondary schools.

Those of us that considered him lucky to have rich parents that could afford such a luxury had to ask him if he was crazy or spoiled. The treatment most of these children got abroad from their foster parents and neighbors were worse than those of stubborn kids parents sent to reform school in Isheri, Lagos. Isheri School near Lagos was enough to instill fear in us if you grew up wayward in those days. So, how could London ever be compared to Isheri?

The best educational system is the one in which we make significant investments at home, not the overseas ones for which we pay exorbitantly, just so our children can speak in unfamiliar languages. Quality education is the kind imparted in China to the Chinese, in Russia to Russians, in America to Americans, and in Africa to Africans. This explains why world and Nobel Prizes are awarded irrespective of citizens’ various languages for their local accomplishments, which become beneficial to the world. The cases in point are Acupuncture and Ayurveda in medicine. Inferiority complex kills African traditional medicine (dia!).

We must stop deceiving ourselves the way colonialists want us to. It is the same indoctrination colonialists used on the children of those sold into slavery: how lucky they were for their grandparents to be sold out and acquire skills in their new world. The State of Florida in the United States is rewriting the history of Slavery as a blessing. Some of the states have banned or modified African American History or Critical Race Theory in universities and eliminated sensitivity training in high schools and workplace.

Today, moneybags, moni-miss-road and looters have neglected our local schools.They tickled themselves with false pride by going to the Central Bank to demand hard earned foreign income made from environmental degradation in the Niger Delta in exchange for naira. They cry that if they do not send money to their children, they would starve and drop out in the cold weather. Indeed, most of their children live lavishly.

Meanwhile, children of the poor that work and go to school manage to send some money home to their parents. Those students even do better in school than the spoiled brats that hardly worked for anything. Privileged parents exchange the dollars and pounds poor students send home and send it back to their children. There is something unfair here even if you think many of us are just jealous.

Children of poor parents are more likely to remember how their parents struggled, eking out a living than the children of the middle class that burned their money sending their children abroad for strange educational systems that deem your culture inferior. Our education is to boost our local knowledge and culture, enhancing them to meet the challenges and demands of the future, no matter where you are born.

Is it not ironic that those who refused to go back and build individual African countries expect the children they lost control of culturally and economically, to go back and build their countries in Africa. The memories those children that were born in Africa have, is that of a wretched land their parents and leaders refused to invest in. They still have a vivid picture of that Africa they left, though rich in incomes but in abject poverty.

Some Africans at home and abroad still hold on to the belief that their children are their tickets for care in their old age. These are children struggling to take care of themselves at home or have become conditioned to selfish culture abroad. The old wishes and prayers that children would take care of their parents remain just wishes. Some may be that lucky. But prepare and save for your old age and if you are fortunate, their grace would be an icing on the cake.

There was a reunion recently where Nigerians reminisced about the days we could not wait to go back and serve our people. Those who got the guilt out of their system rejoiced and those who never went home, regret older age abroad. No number of visits in our older age can compensate for contributing our youthful years and skills to Africa. Nigerians pay more right now, to foreign Airlines just to get out than any African country. Even then, Airlines cannot cope with us seeking our dose of feverish addiction to foreign cultural colonial mentality!

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