Nigerian Army retrieve assets and rescue women and children in Timbuktu Triangle, Borno

The Nigerian Army’s sustained offensive operation to clear out terrorist hideouts in the Timbuktu Triangle, spanning across Borno and Yobe States, has yielded significant success. 
Through a combination of intense air and artillery strikes, as well as ground combat, the terrorists were forced to abandon their strongholds, fleeing the area.
In the wake of their retreat, the troops discovered valuable assets left behind by the terrorists, including an MOWAG Armoured Personnel Carrier, a Canter Truck, and a Tractor.
 More importantly, they rescued 44 civilians, among them women and children, who had been held captive by the terrorists in the region.
Upon their liberation, the rescued individuals were immediately provided with essential relief, including new clothing, aimed at offering them a semblance of comfort and dignity as they embarked on their journey to freedom.
These brave survivors have now been entrusted to the care of the Borno State Ministry of Women Affairs, where they will receive the necessary support and assistance.
This daring military operation not only resulted in the recovery of vital resources but also brought a glimmer of hope and the promise of freedom to innocent women and children who had been trapped in the crossfire of conflict.
 It stands as a testament to the courage and determination of the Nigerian Army in their efforts to combat terrorism and restore peace and security to the region.

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